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Rap represented in mathematical charts and graphs. Linux : Le journal d'un novice, un an plus tard, le recueil. Drôle d'histoire que celle de cette petite série d'été. Tout a commencé avec la commande d'un ordinateur portable destiné principalement à surfer sur Internet. Ça faisait quelques temps déjà que je voulais m'essayer à Linux, j'ai donc choisi de me lancer à cette occasion.

Au moment d'ouvrir le carton, je me suis dit que ce serait rigolo à raconter, cette découverte. Et puis, en été, on ne croule pas sous l'actualité, sur Vu que nous suivons de près l'actualité du logiciel libre, une petite série légère, racontée à la première personne, semblait tout à fait envisageable. Pas de pression, des épisodes courts, et hop, c'est parti... Et dès les deux premiers épisodes (prologue et #1), mis en ligne en même temps, en fin d'après-midi le 18 juillet, Le journal d'un novice se retrouve cité sur d'innombrables sites et forums.

Pour la petite histoire, un an plus tard, c'est sous Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) que je tape ce texte. Télécharger Linux: Le journal d'un novice (pdf) Electromagnetic Leak Mini Poster Print > Abstruse Goose. Liste-smileys-facebook-chat-L-2.jpeg (Image JPEG, 562x44 pixels) : Share your LEGO creations. Lego Secret Vault Contains All Sets In History - Lego - Gizmodo. I grew up in a town about 20-30km from Billund, the home town of Lego, Denmark. I remember at age 6-7(?) I was part of a 'beta test' where I got one of the first space sets on loan for a month or so, and after completing some kind of survey I got a big gas station model for free!

Still have it, along with the awesome fire station (#374 from 1978) I got the next Christmas. I also remember a big red plastic box full of old, mixed Lego bricks that my older brother had used (with a 9-year age difference, there was a number of years where the bricks weren't played with). Lots of pieces from the old sets were missing, so I was never able to put together the jumbo jet or the wagon from the black train. But now I know what that black whistle was for (from the video)... And I remember the lego trains that would rarely run, because we didn't have any batteries for them (they were very expensive).

Is an important part of growing up. Nice video and nice article. Escher's "Relativity" in LEGO. Because The LEGO Company get paranoid about this sort of thing let me make it clear that I have no affiliation with them, that my views are my own and do not necessarily represent theirs, and so on. So if you think any of this is official you are as deluded as they are. Click on the picture or here for a bigger version (about 410K) Click on the small pictures for larger versions. All M. C. All other pictures on this page are Copyright © A. LEGO ® is a trademark of The LEGO Group, who have nothing to do with this or any of my other LEGO-related web pages. Our other LEGO renditions of Escher works are "Balcony", "Belvedere" and "Ascending and Decending" and "Waterfall".Back to ASL's home page Back to ASL's LEGO page FAQs and contact information Hits since 11th April 2003: Powered by This page last modified 1st April 2005.

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