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Sept galeries parisiennes atypiques, pour visiter l’art autrement - Sortir. Espaces reconvertis, lieux historiques méconnus, surfaces insolites : certaines galeries d’art sont en elles-mêmes des curiosités.

Sept galeries parisiennes atypiques, pour visiter l’art autrement - Sortir

Notre sélection. Galerie R-2 : la plus underground. Lour Film Comparison - Part 2. We’re back on the film comparison tests again and this time we’ve got a polarised blue sky and some fir tree greens and pine cone reds and browns.

lour Film Comparison - Part 2

As in the previous tests, the comparisons are between colour films available in large format sheet sizes (comparing roll films is expensive and time consuming). Digitalab of Newcastle have kindly offered to develop all of these films for us and we will be mentioning them in support of their contribution. Kern Type, the kerning game. Turntable Drawing Machine.


Peinture. Sculpteurs plasticiens. Graffiti. Sérigraphie. Photo. Images. Illustrations.