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§. Twitter co-founders on their business model | Beyond Binary - CN. CARLSBAD, Calif. --I left the Twitter keynote still wondering what the company's business model will be, but also with a new question. Why are the co-founders so seemingly uninterested in making money? Haven't they heard about striking while the iron is hot? (Clearly they have. After all, Evan Williams sold Blogger to Google.) Anyway, after the speech I got a chance to ask them that and more firsthand. "I wouldn't say we're not focused on the dollars," Williams told CNET News.

Stone echoed that. "In order to create a company that has this enduring value, that is going to be here 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now, you have to focus on delivering value first and profit second, especially considering we are only two years old," Stone said. For the full interview, check out the video embedded below. Font Conference. Fara. Monitoring your business' social media presence is incredibly important. You need to respond to people talking about your brand and understand how people view your company. However, a common concern is that it takes up too much time. The team at HubSpot spreads out the responsibilities, but it's entirely possible for one person to keep an eye on things. If you set up a solid routine, monitoring your online presence doesn't have to be a hassle at all. Here are five free, easy steps you can take to get things started. Do each task in the morning when you start work, and you should be good to go. 1) Check Twitter for chatter about your company ( 2 minutes ): Use tools like TweetDeck or Twitter Search to monitor conversations about your company in real-time. 2) Scan Google Alerts ( 1.5 minutes ): Check your Google Alerts for your company name, products, executives or brand terms. 3) Check Facebook stats ( 1 minute ): Visit your Company Page's Facebook Insights.

Some people get a little shocked when I tell them that I rarely prepare my presentations for a speaking engagement until just a couple of days before the event (Sorry, I know this frazzles some event organizers who request copies of decks before events). The reason for this is simple, although I have my core concepts and messages down, the world I live in is moving so fast that I feel like I almost HAVE to wait until the last minute in order for me to have the most relevant, up to date information, examples, etc in my presentation. I like the edge, and I find that the people who show up to listen like it as well. I do my best to stay relevant in a fast moving marketing & media landscape. Are you in a fast moving market? Not all markets move fast, but almost every industry is evolving faster than it ever has before. 1.

It’s true. 2. 3. Now more than ever its more important to bring personality to your brand, no matter the industry. A Guide for the Overwhelmed | Have you ever found yourself in a scenario where you had multiple deadlines, a long list of unfinished tasks, past due bills coming in the mail because you had forgotten to pay them, a rented copy of The Office Season 4 DVD that was due 9 days ago, and family, friends, and bosses asking you to do more?

What can we do to gain back control of these chaotic and stressful situations? We live in a world that is becoming increasingly busier. Things are moving at a faster pace and we are forced to move right along with it. More is required out of the average person than ever before. The benefit of our advancing society is that we are able to reap abundantly more than our grandparents would’ve ever imagined was possible. The downside is that we are often overwhelmed by the number of things that we are responsible for and that are required of us. Another example would be a person who is nervous about giving a 15 minute presentation. Personal Story: “How Did I Get Into This Mess?” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bizsolutionsplus: Saying No is Not a Strategy. YouTube - Seth Godin on the tribes we lead. TweetDeck Export and Import Group Script | Shannon Whitley. FriendFeed is absorbing more Twitter users, and that. FriendFeed, the service that culls your activities on various social networks into a single stream, is seeing a surge in new users, at least from anecdotal evidence (including signups that VentureBeat’s staff is seeing).

The increase comes after FriendFeed redesigned its site last week so you can easily read what your friends are up to around the web in a real-time stream. In fact, one of our writers, Dean Takahashi, noted he’s getting more friends signing up to Friendfeed than he’s getting on Twitter. Is the redesign that popular? Perhaps, but a one reason for the new subscribers is that the redesign makes it easier to find friends on the site who are already your friends on other services, including Gmail, Facebook and Twitter.

FriendFeed, remember, has some similarities to Facebook. It’s a sort of open social hub, with threaded conversations, and offers a simple button for “liking” shared information. More sign-ups, more users Which is where sign-ups come in. UnTweeps - Cleanup Twitter users who don't tweet often enou. BrightKite: If You Think Your Life Is Boring, You're Missin. Guest Post by Kipp Bodnar and Wayne Sutton of Talk Social News Authors' Note: This post references Brightkite specifically because it was the application discussed in the original post Louis wrote. However, many of the features and uses discussed in this post also apply to other location-based social networks.

Though Brightkite is the example, this post should be seen as a commentary on the potential of location-based social networking in general. Last week Louis threw down the challenge, when he asked to be educated on why he should use Brightkite. Getting Local Without Posting An Update:Like most all other forms of social media much of Brightkite's potential comes from observing.

Below are some responses Wayne received to when asking How do you use Brightkite? " gregbarnett says: dsims says: I like the community aspect of seeing the notes and photos from at a place. Tbeseda says: thunsaker says: I've enjoyed seeing other parts of the world through the camera of another person.

Search Operators. Twitter clients to explode in a #Twitpocalypse on June 12th?! // To Our Faithful Users: Current's run has ended after eight exciting years on air and online. The Current TV staff has appreciated your interest, support, participation and unflagging loyalty over the years. Your contributions helped make a vibrant place for discussing thousands of interesting stories, and your continued viewership motivated us to keep innovating and find new ways to reflect the voice of the people.

We now welcome the on-air and digital presence of Al Jazeera America, a new news network committed to reporting on and investigating real stories affecting the lives of everyday Americans in every corner of the country. You can keep up with what's new on Al Jazeera America and see this new brand of journalism for yourself at Thank you for inspiring and challenging us. . – The Current TV Staff. Wall Street on the Tundra | Just after October 6, 2008, when Iceland effectively went bust, I spoke to a man at the International Monetary Fund who had been flown in to Reykjavík to determine if money might responsibly be lent to such a spectacularly bankrupt nation. He’d never been to Iceland, knew nothing about the place, and said he needed a map to find it. He has spent his life dealing with famously distressed countries, usually in Africa, perpetually in one kind of financial trouble or another. Iceland was entirely new to his experience: a nation of extremely well-to-do (No. 1 in the United Nations’ 2008 Human Development Index), well-educated, historically rational human beings who had organized themselves to commit one of the single greatest acts of madness in financial history.

“You have to understand,” he told me, “Iceland is no longer a country. It is a hedge fund.” Facebook, Twitter send more traffic than Google. Liz Gannes posted that Perez Hilton is now seeing more traffic coming in via Facebook than Google. My colleague Udo Szabo at Nokia HQ in Finland has a theory that I call the Unified Theory of Interweb Economics. The theory goes something like this: Advertising is a function of your traffic volume, the more traffic that comes to your site, the higher rates you can charge.Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter have a lot of link sharing going on as friends post links to share them with each other.When Facebook and Twitter send more traffic than Google search referrals, advertising dollars will follow the source of that traffic.Google’s dominance in online advertising will be threatened.

One would think we’re seeing the first hints of that with and it will take a long time before we see this trend across the board. The more you think about it, the shift in balance of power has already taken place. Similar Posts: Traffic Sources and Attention David Segal on Search Like this: Study: Twitter is a non-social social network - Social Marketing. Nearly all of the Twitter responders report they log on to Twitter because they want information in a timely manner. 80% of responders also noted they like the connection offered through the network. Moreover these users don't mind not getting responses. According to the report about half of Twitterers don't mind if they tweet and no one responds to them. 20 Tools to Make the Life of a Web Developer Easier - Nettuts.

Developing a well-rounded aesthetically pleasing website can be a daunting task even for the most seasoned web developer. You must identify current trends and standards and determine ways to incorporate them into your designs. Luckily, there are many free tools which are available that can help you speed up your efforts and work in a more efficient manner. Below are 20 tools which are sure to benefit all developers. Typetester Typetester is an online application for comparing how different fonts and font attributes will appear on a given set of text. pForm Create a php form in seconds with this free and easy to use tool. ColourLovers An international site created for color lovers. Firebug Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. HTML Entity Character Lookup Need to know how to display the trademark symbol on one of your pages, this tool if just for you. 960 Grid System Em Calculator Browser Shots Icon Finder WhatTheFont Pingdom.

Avi Joseph: @BarbaraKB Can only agree... Tell-a-Friend: Word of Mouth Marketing made simple. @Google - @Twitter To Start Indexing Links For Search. Twitter Search is easily the most promising aspect of Twitter. People talk about mundane updates, or connecting with companies, or following celebrities — but that’s all small scale.

The real power of Twitter lies in its aggregate data. Why do you think Google and every other company out there is interested in them? It’s not just because they are the hot ticket in town right now, despite what some would have you believe. Speaking on a panel today, Santosh Jayaram, Twitter’s new VP of Operations, had some very interesting things to say, Webware’s Rafe Needleman who moderated it, reports. Apparently, Twitter Search will index the content of these pages as well. Of course there is no way Twitter Search will index as many pages as Google, but that’s not the point. Twitter’s biggest trump card here is the real-time factor.

One thing that is more clear is that Twitter is also looking at ways to better tailor search results. Wikinomics. With the world caught up in Obama mania today, I thought it only appropriate to do an inauguration-related post. You might say, I too had a “Barack attack.” ; ) The proclamations of “history in the making” and invocations of former Presidents got me thinking about a neat way to visually compare Obama’s inauguration address to those past.

Some people may remember my visual analysis of the eight years of Bush; this is a bit different. Using IBM’s ManyEyes social media visualization tool, I’ve compiled a Wordle (stylized tag cloud) comparison of Obama’s address to those of Presidents to whom he is often compared. Note particular similarities to JFK and FDR (more visualizations after the jump). RSS readers modeled after email. Farhad Manjoo has an article on Slate entitled Kill your RSS reader which captures a growing sentiment I’ve had for a while and ranted about during a recent panel at SXSW. Below are a few key excerpts from Farhad’s article that resonate strongly with me In theory, the RSS reader is a great idea. Many years ago, as blogs became an ever-larger part of my news diet, I got addicted to Bloglines, one of the first popular RSS programs.

I used to read a dozen different news sites every day, going to each site every so often to check whether something fresh had been posted. This mirrors my experience of that of many of my friends who used to be enthusiastic users of RSS readers. The problem is that the RSS readers I use regularly, Google Reader and RSS Bandit, take their inspiration from email clients which is the wrong model for consuming casual content like blogs. When it comes to blogs and other casual content, this model breaks down. Unpredictable Obstacles: When Your Localization Efforts Can Be D. As a Russian living in Russia and doing business internationally, I am known for my strong belief in localization for internet products – both for startups and established web companies. Yet sometimes one realizes that even the best efforts can result in absolutely nothing because you can never predict everything about a country where you operate your newly-localized product. I have already complained a few times about Facebook never bothering with the Russian market until last year only to find out when they finally launched a Russian-language version that the social networking market is already taken by existing local players.

The irony is that right now the leading Russian social network is a full clone of Facebook while Facebook itself is on the 7 th position well behind the established market leaders. 302 Moved. Interview with FirstDigg. Rustybrick_ 50% of companies with online communities will fail to manage the. Share photos on twitter. TwitterPacks / Non-Profits. Are Trolls Ruining Social Media? Mozilla to let enterprises build custom Firefox browsers | Busin. Meebo toolbar gets new sharing features.

Math theories may hold clues to origin, future of life in univer. U.S. women use blogs and social media for information | Blog | E. Three companies that get it right on Twitter - Computerworld Blo. What the iPhone 3GS and 3.0 OS Means for Geo Devs - O'Reill.