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Un e-mail en HTML responsive multi-clients - Alsacreations. L'e-mail (ou newsletter) reste encore aujourd’hui un moyen efficace de transmettre des informations à ses utilisateurs ou clients. En mode texte, aucun problème, c'est un standard interprété sans difficulté. En mode HTML c'est un art ô combien délicat en partie dû au nombre de clients lecteurs d'e-mail sur le marché qui ont des comportements bien différents (encore plus désormais que les navigateurs classiques). Cette disparité de l'interprétation des e-mails au format HTML provient de plusieurs facteurs : Les clients e-mails lourds (Outlook, Thunderbird, Lotus Notes...) ont un fonctionnement radicalement différents des webmails (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail,

Ces mêmes webmails imposent des règles très strictes sur le code HTML et CSS contenu dans les e-mails car les messages sont eux-mêmes affichés dans une structure de page web qui a ses propres styles. Entre autres, ne supporte pas les marges. Quelques règles de base pour HTML et CSS Le Doctype Les liens. Usable Privacy.


CSS. CSS Generator. Création hébergement site. Ansible. CheckIO - online game for Python and JavaScript coders. Disc Recovery (Linux) Academic Research. Learn Anything. - match command-line arguments to their help text. DevDocs API Documentation. The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Multisite. We’ve been developing plugins for it since the old days when it was WordPress MU, and we use it to power Edublogs, a huge network of blogs for educators and students. Personally I also use Multisite a lot. I use it to host client websites, to create sites demonstrating techniques I outline in my books and tutorials, and to keep everything in one place.

In this guide to Multisite I’m going to show you everything you need to know to get started with Multisite and create your own network of blogs or sites. I’ll cover: What is Multisite and how is it different from regular WordPress? Uses for Multisite (with some examples)When not to use MultisiteHow to activate Multisite on a new or existing WordPress installationCreating blogs in your networkManaging your network, including installing themes and plugins, creating sites and setting up domain mappingPlugins to make Multisite even better. But first, let’s get some terminology straight. So now we’ve got that sorted, let’s take a look at Multisite! Learning Javascript with Object Graphs. HEADS UP! This article was written for an older version of node. More up-to-date information may be available elsewhere. One of the secrets to being a super effective JavaScript developer is to truly understand the semantics of the language. This article will explain the basic elemental parts of JavaScript using easy to follow diagrams.

References Everywhere A variable in JavaScript is simply a label that references a value in memory somewhere. Local Variables In the following example, we will create four local variables in the top-level scope and point them to some primitive values: variables.js // Let's create some local variables in the top scopevar name = "Tim Caswell";var age = 28;var isProgrammer = true;var likesJavaScript = true;// Test to see if the two variables reference the same valueisProgrammer === likesJavaScript; Notice that the two boolean variables point to the same value in memory.

The outer box represents the outermost closure scope. Objects and Prototype Chains objects.js. Online Python Tutor - Learn programming by visualizing code execution. Web. Browse - Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion. Code with C | Programming: Projects & Source Codes. Collecting all the cheat sheets. DevDocs — Git / git add. Name git-add - Add file contents to the index Synopsis git add [--verbose | -v] [--dry-run | -n] [--force | -f] [--interactive | -i] [--patch | -p] [--edit | -e] [--[no-]all | --[no-]ignore-removal | [--update | -u]] [--intent-to-add | -N] [--refresh] [--ignore-errors] [--ignore-missing] [--chmod=(+|-)x] [--] [<pathspec>…​] Description This command updates the index using the current content found in the working tree, to prepare the content staged for the next commit.

The "index" holds a snapshot of the content of the working tree, and it is this snapshot that is taken as the contents of the next commit. This command can be performed multiple times before a commit. The git status command can be used to obtain a summary of which files have changes that are staged for the next commit. The git add command will not add ignored files by default. Please see git-commit[1] for alternative ways to add content to a commit. Options <pathspec>…​ Files to add content from.

-n --dry-run -v --verbose -f --force.