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Fondo Canadiense para Iniciativas Locales (FCIL) El Fondo Canadiense para Iniciativas Locales (FCIL) es un programa apolítico creado por el gobierno canadiense alrededor del mundo con el fin de fomentar la implementación de proyectos diseñados por organizaciones no gubernamentales sin fines de lucro. El FCIL en Venezuela apoya proyectos relacionados a temas de promoción y protección de los derechos humanos y de las libertades fundamentales.

Todo proyecto que queda fuera de este ámbito no será tomado en consideración. El Fondo no tiene ninguna connotación política, ni discriminación religiosa, étnica o de sexos. Este ano, el FCIL contribuye a la implementación de proyectos cuya fecha límite para ejecutarse es el 26 de febrero de 2016. Es necesario destacar que el FCIL no tiene como objetivo asumir las funciones que competen a las instituciones del Estado sino complementarlas. Organizaciones no calificables A continuación una lista de gastos no cubiertos por el FCIL: Compra de terrenos o bienes inmuebles. 1. 2. About GRI. ​The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) are the first and most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting.

Since GRI's inception in 1997, we have transformed it from a niche practice to one now adopted by a growing majority of organizations. In fact, 93% of the world’s largest 250 corporations report on their sustainability performance.* The practice of disclosing sustainability information inspires accountability, helps identify and manage risks, and enables organizations to seize new opportunities.

Reporting with the GRI Standards supports companies, public and private, large and small, protect the environment and improve society, while at the same time thriving economically by improving governance and stakeholder relations, enhancing reputations and building trust. *KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017. BAIN REPORT State of impact investing in Latin America. Social Finance.

The timing is right for impact investing in Latin America. By Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Sep 15, 2016 0 Comments There is increasing momentum behind impact investing—the global movement of investors, development agencies, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists working to realize financial, social, and environmental gains. In Latin America, capital committed by impact-investment funds increased to roughly $2 billion by the end of 2013, from $160 million in 2008, representing a 12-fold growth in just five years.

Fourteen to fifteen firms have entered the impact-investing space in Latin America every two years since 2007, according to a new study produced by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), in partnership with the Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LAVCA) and LGT Impact Ventures. Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia are leading the movement, but Argentina and other countries throughout the hemisphere are following fast. Brazil. All of this is good news for Latin America. Welcome to LGT Impact Ventures. Becas y Convocatorias - Información de Becas y Convocatorias en el exterior para Latinoamericanos.