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For me, the Psychology major

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Psychology Studies. Psych Mental Models. Psychology. Positive psychology. 155- Differential & Developmental Psych. 153.6 Psychology of Non/Verbal Communication. Neuroscience. Philosophy. Cognitive Biases. Cognition. Learning & Memory. Your Evolved Intuitions. Part of the sequence: Rationality and Philosophy We have already examined one source of our intuitions: attribute substitution heuristics.

Your Evolved Intuitions

Today we examine a second source of our intuitions: biological evolution. Evolutionary psychology. The Top 10 Psychology Studies of 2010. The end of 2010 fast approaches, and I'm thrilled to have been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to write about the Top 10 psychology studies of the year. I've focused on studies that I personally feel stand out, not only as examples of great science, but even more importantly, as examples of how the science of psychology can improve our lives. Each study has a clear "take home" message, offering the reader an insight or a simple strategy they can use to reach their goals , strengthen their relationships, make better decisions, or become happier.

If you extract the wisdom from these ten studies and apply them in your own life, 2011 just might be a very good year. Psychology Team. Body Language. Persuasion. Emotions.