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Link Building. New Edition of the Ranking Factors for 2011 is Now Live! Since 2005, SEOmoz has released a new version of the Search Ranking Factors survey every two years, a piece of content that many in the SEO world have used and referenced.

New Edition of the Ranking Factors for 2011 is Now Live!

This year, we've continued that tradition and added a whole new element of research, comparing the aggregated opinions of 132 SEOs around the world with correlation data from over 10,000 results in Google. Because this document is quite large, we've divided it into a number of sub-sections based on the type and focus of the data. This intro video can help provide some more information (and is available on the overview page as well). Included in the ranking factors, you'll find the traditional list of factors broken down into sections such as domain level keyword usage features (which describe things like exact match domains, using the keyword in the root or subdomain name, etc) or page level link metrics (which refer to items like quantity of links to the page, mozRank, etc). Yahoo! France.

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Yahoo! France

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