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Goddess Of Scrumptiousness. Crucial Pizza. Go Cook Yourself. GoWendyGo. Bake It in a Cake. Shesalty. Yesterday may have been one of the best opportunities I may have during my career as a cook. We were lucky enough to spend half of the day with Italy’s top chef—Chef Vissani. Upon arriving the restaurant we were all blown away by it’s extravagant dining room setup. We were guided to his back demo room where there was a small kitchen demonstration table. Then Vissani himself entered the room, standing big and tall with a stern look on his face. He told us about the importance of ancient Italian cuisine and how Italian food has been transformed into some new and not so good.

He really accuentuated the point that he would like to see traditional Italian cuisine return to Italy—that was his philosophy (and also something I would like to do as well). Ever since I was a child I have had this certain fascination with the Italian people, their cuisine, and their rich history and culture. He taught us how to cook a perfectly straight lobster! And this is the full plated version. Oh! Buonasera! Little LADIES WHO LUNCH. Adventures in Ice Cream.