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Infographie fixe

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The Do's And Don'ts Of Infographic Design. Advertisement Editor’s Note: You might want to read Nathan Yau’s article The Do’s And Don’ts Of Infographic Design: Revisited1 here on Smashing Magazine which is a response to this article. Since the dawn of the Internet, the demand for good design has continued to skyrocket.

From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and beyond, designers have remained on their toes as they define the trends and expectations of our online universe. The Internet is a great designer’s playground, and online businesses are growing more and more appreciative of what can be gained from a bit of well-executed eye candy. Over the past two years, this fact has become the backbone of a growing trend in online marketing: the infographic. Infographics are visual representations of information, or “data viz” as the cool kids call it these days. Of course, just as Web 2.0 changed 1.0, today’s infographics are far more eye-catching than simple pie charts and bar graphs. Wrapping Your Mind Around Data Viz Show, Don’t Tell Tell a Story (al) Datajournalismelab | session 2013. [Datavisualisation] The Art market for Dummies. The Art market represents 43 billion euros in 2012 : the equivalent of Lituania's GDP, and more than the music or the cinema market. THE SCREAM - EDVARD MUNCH. The art market is monopolized by billionaires from different parts of the world : France, United States, China or Middle East.

Art is not experiencing a market failure. The global value of the Art market has doubled in ten years. Last year the sales have decreased by 7% but, since 2008, the auctions have never been higher. For instance, in 2012, “The Scream” by Edvard Munch was sold for $120 million. The Art market compared to other cultural sectors The surface of each square rrepresents the global market revenue for each sector (in euros).

Even though the paintings, drawings and sculptures sold for more than a million dollars represent only 0,23% of the total sales, in value, they represent nearly half of the market! Only a few billionaires monopolize the market of high value works of art. 2. DEMOISELLES D'AVIGNON - PABLO PICASSO. Associations : à qui profitent les subventions ? Google lance DataBoard, un nouvel outil vous permettant de créer des infographies personnalisées. Google vient de dévoiler un joli petit outil de partage des données pour les entreprises dont le but est de suivre les dernières données disponibles provenant d’études que Google choisit d’inclure.

Celui-ci vous permet de facilement insérer vos données que vous recherchez, et de les partager avec d’autres de façons visuellement attrayantes. L’outil nommé Databoard for Research Insights, récupère les données depuis les recherches de la société. Bien qu’il ne comporte qu’une poignée d’études en ce moment, Google a l’intention de mettre à jour fréquemment celui-ci avec de nouvelles recherches. « Il est important pour les entreprises de rester à jour sur les recherches les plus récentes et des perspectives liées à leur secteur d’activité. Malheureusement – avec tant de nouvelles études et données mises à jour en continues – il peut être difficile de suivre ceci », écrit Adam Grunewald sur un article de blog.