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Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade. Stalker is a collective of architects and researchers connected to the Roma Tre University who came together in the mid-1990s. In 2002, Stalker founded the research network Osservatorio Nomade (ON), which consists of architects, artists, activists and researchers working experimentally and engaging in actions to create self-organised spaces and situations. Stalker have developed a specific methodology of urban research, using participative tools to construct a 'collective imaginary' for a place. In particular they have developed the method of collective walking to 'actuate territories', which for them is a process of bringing space into being. Stalker carry out their walks in the 'indeterminate' or void spaces of the city, which have long been disregarded or considered a problem in traditional architectural practice.

Since their early walks, Stalker/ON have developed an approach to architecture that is profoundly participatory. Key Projects Campagna Romana Corviale Campo Boario Other Work. Maison Ventidue. ⇨ t r e Giorni ⇨ d u e Spettacoli ⇨ u n Laboratorio in Maison Ventidue la stagione autunno/inverno di si conclude con una residenza artistica ricca di possibilità: l’uomo in questione è Riccardo Goretti [ ➝ incontrato a Castiglioncello/festival Armunia 2013, Riccardo a b i t e r à la casa di via Indipendenza22 per una tre giorni di lavoro attoriale ed autoriale. s p e t t a c o l i_______________ ✰ Essere Emanuele Miriati//Emanuele Miriati è un operaio della provincia pratese, terrigno, disperato, squattrinato, capace (quasi suo malgrado) di profonde analisi sociali ed esistenziali quando si trova coi suoi amici e di slanci di dolcezza sublime quando va a puttane.Non che questo basti.

. ✰ Annunziata Detta Nancy//Come si può accettare che la persona che vi parla sia anche la sua stessa nonna, e poi suo padre e poi sua madre? Artfactories. An Adventure Beyond-Art, Myths, and Everyday Life in Europe – 2013 - 2017 Meeting the Odyssey is a social and artistic collaborative project sailing from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea. Each summer from 2014 to 2016, artists and organizers from different European countries will travel together, giving workshops and performing theater pieces. The project will combine elements of the Odyssey, contemporary themes relevant to Europe and stories collected through exchanges with the local population. But Meeting the Odyssey is also a journey in itself: bringing people together through long term collaboration, and discovering new artistic landscapes and cultural attitudes to develop synergies at the European level.

This project asks: what is the common Europe behind the commitment of the European Union? This project is carried by the Théâtre Viirus in Finland and a network of European cultural structures of which Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon (France) is a part. Artfactories. Les marionnettes ne passent pas la main ! (1/2) __________________________________________________ >>> Les marionnettes ne passent pas la main (1) | Les marionnettes ne passent pas la main (2) Pour beaucoup, le mot "marionnette" évoque assez peu d'images : le traditionnel Polichinelle armé de son gourdin, les Muppets de Jim Henson et autres Guignols cathodiques ou moins télévisuels... Pourtant, l'art de la marionnette se renouvelle assez aisément, évoluant avec les progrès technologiques et ne se restreignant pas au registre enfantin.

Pour preuve : l'existence du Festival mondial des Théâtres de marionnettes qui, s'il existe depuis 1961, continue tous les deux ans à attirer un public large et varié à Charleville-Mézières, dans les Ardennes. Rencontre avec quatre compagnies du "IN", dont les différents usages qu'elles font de la marionnette témoignent de la foi, toujours vivace, dans le potentiel émotionnel de ces poupées de chiffon.

Au centre de la scène, une table avec riches porcelaines et reliefs de banquet. Joëlle Noguès : Terry Lee. European Expert Network on Culture (EENC) DBM Mediterranean Dance Network (Danse Bassin Méditerranée AISBL) Dipòsit Digital de la UB. Main page | PQ. Placements in field of Theatre for Young. ASSITEJ, the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People, promotes NEXT GENERATION PLACEMENTS to provide young theatre artists, producers and administrators with opportunities for international mobility within the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) in order to encourage contact between experienced and emerging artists.

This is a call open to BOTH companies, festivals etc. offering placements AND to young people seeking placements abroad. It is organised through the ASSITEJ International network of members. All applications for placements from Placement Seekers and offers of placements must be endorsed by an ASSITEJ member. Young people with an interest for and/or experience in TYA will have the opportunity to share experiences, learn and work with artists in other countries within the framework of different projects like festivals, seminars, workshops, forums, productions, etc.

These will be temporary placements offered by companies, centres or associations.