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Team Four Star: Home of DBZ Abridged. R&R: Geek Couch - Level 1 - Pilot. R&R: Geek Couch - Level 4 - Superhero Style. The Story Of Star Wars… In Lego. The 'Mass Effect' '80s Cartoon Doesn't Actually Exist, Is Still Pretty Awesome. Since Mass Effect 3 was released a few weeks ago, there's been a lot of controversy over how the game ends.

The 'Mass Effect' '80s Cartoon Doesn't Actually Exist, Is Still Pretty Awesome

Some fans have advocated storming BioWare's headquarters with torches and pitchforks, others have praised it for daring to embrace color-coding as a storytelling tool, but no matter what side of the debate you're on, there's one thing we can all agree about: Mass Effect would be way better if Commander Shepard grabbed a guitar and rocked the Reapers to death at a battle of the bands. Fortunately, that's exactly what happens in IGN's April Fool's Day prank this year, a trailer for an '80s-style Mass Effect cartoon that doesn't actually exist!

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