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Courtade-Browder-Article1.pdf. Classroom Resources. CalmCounter. Bouncy Balls - Bounce balls with your mouse or microphone. Weekend Websites #59: 62 First Grade Websites That Tie into Classroom Lessons. Every Friday I’ll send you a wonderful website that my classes and my parents love.

I think you’ll find they’ll be a favorite of your students as they are of mine. Here's my internet start page for first grade--you'll see the websites we focused on at the end of this school year Age: First Grade Topic: Integrate technology with classroom topics Address: First Grade Websites Review: These are my 62 favorite first grade websites. Here’s the list: Do you have any to add? To sign up for Weekend Websites delivered to your email, click Weekend Websites here and leave your email. Follow me Jacqui Murray is the editor of a technology curriculum for K-fifth grade and author of two technology training books for middle school. Like this: Like Loading... Differentiated Instruction. What the Teacher Wants!