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Bouncy Balls

Monitoring The Class Noise Level...with Technology A short, sweet, fun, "yes, I need that tool" post today.... Ok, these two sites were shared with me by our school's STEM teacher...and I thought they were too cool to not pass on....the one above monitors the class noise level with bouncing balls...when everyone's quiet, the balls are still. Here's the {new} link... And this one is called the Calm Counter Noise is the link.... These are great tools that will help students collectively self-monitor their noise levels. Don't worry that the microphones are recording your conversation, they are not.

Littérature jeunesse Après la relâche des fêtes et avec l'école qui recommence j'ai décidé de continuer mes bonnes habitudes et d'essayer d'écrire le plus souvent possible sur mon Blog!Quand j'étais petite mon livre favori était La soupe aux sous. Lorsque nous avions une période de bibliothèque et que ce livre n'était plus sur les tablettes j'étais vraiment déçue.

Chex Quest Gallery—Downloads Ah, yes, the meat 'n tatters of the site. Here you can find a boatload of Chex Quest related downloads, including the original game in BIN and CUE format, and the sequel as its original installation file. Browse around and feel free to download or ask for help! Tracing Project « ENGL 300: The Graphic Novel Annotated Sandman Page You'll begin this project by selecting one of the graphic narratives we've read so far this semester. Your options include graphic narratives we are reading right up to the deadline for this project---The Dark Knight Returns, Nat Turner, We3, Maus, Fun Home, and Exit Wounds. The only text you may not work on is Gods' Man. You'll also need tracing paper to complete this project.

De top-3 verspillers en 10 suggesties voor het het basisonderwijs Als Philip door zijn moeder naar school wordt gebracht, gaat ze altijd even met hem mee het klaslokaal in. Net zoals de moeder van Tim, Godfried en Elise. Ze blijven tot 9.10 uur met ‘de juf’ en elkaar praten, zittend op de punt van het tafeltje van de kinderen. Les réglettes Cuisenaire au Tbi Voici une application web qui permet de manipuler des réglettes Cuisenaire au TBI. Pour faire apparaître les réglettes, cliquer sur « rod » dans le coin supérieur gauche. Pour les faire tourner, toucher une touche du clavier pendant les déplacements. Cliquer sur l’image:

How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time - StumbleUpon I admit it. When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever? Absurd. Boy was I wrong. Rock-paper-scissors isn't just a silly game kids play or a way to decide who has to be the designated driver at parties. Fish Tank Phone Kingyobu is a group of five students of the Kyoto University of Art and Design. Meaning “goldfish club”, they had the idea to fill several telephone booths in Osaka with water and goldfish, symbol of happiness, luck and prosperity. More images of this unusual city aquariums in the sequel. Plustaak Wereldorientatie Omschrijving - voor de meest pientere en snelle kinderen van groep 5 t/m 8 - leuke, prikkelende en zinvolle opdrachten - zeer geschikt voor zelfstandig werken - niet vooruitlopend op de leerstof Plustaak Wereldoriëntatie is een serie opdrachtenboeken voor groep 5 t/m 8.

sidewalk chalk guy sidewalk chalk guy «« back to all material copyrighted by its original creator | MilkBoy, the Philly Music-and-Coffee Empire, Charts the Recording Industry's Future MilkBoy owners Jamie Lokoff (left) and Tommy Joyner make fresh kinds of magic at their new Center City recording studio headquarters. Photo by Kyle Cassidy There’s a book that Tommy Joyner and Jamie Lokoff couldn’t live without back in the mid-’90s, in their early days as budding music-studio mavens after launching MilkBoy Recording in North Philadelphia. It was called The Studio Business Book, and they turned to it constantly: when they had questions about how to plan their operations, how to charge for their services, how to keep track of the money. It wasn’t that they were clueless—they’d already weathered the challenges of working as musicians themselves—but now they were figuring out, as they went along, just how tough the business was on the other side of the studio. So if their copy of The Studio Business Book’s second edition was stained and beat up, well, it came by its condition honestly.

Combining Robotics With Poetry? Art and Engineering Can Co-Exist Big Ideas Culture Teaching Strategies Sue Mellon By Barbara Ray At the beginning, people thought she was nuts. Funding and Support SNAP Foundation SNAP helps young people across the U.S. by supplying educators with cameras, film developing and a variety of visual literacy lesson plans. SNAP Students builds critical thinking skills in kids as they reflect on the things they value, document their lives, and tell their stories to the world. » Learn More Pay it Forward Foundation The Pay It Forward Foundation was established in September 2000 by author Catherine Ryan Hyde and others to educate and inspire students to realize that they can change the world, and provide them with opportunities to do so.

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