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How To Use Pinterest With Bloom's Taxonomy. Explain Everything - Explain Everything. Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | Student Clickers | ARS | Mobile Clicker | Software Clicker. 14 Tools to Create Engaging Infographics and Images for Social Media Posts | Belle Beth Cooper.

It's no secret that images are increasingly important for social media success. It wasn't long ago that Twitter added inline image previews to its official apps, and it's including even more image focus in the latest redesign. At Buffer, we've done tests on our own Twitter account previously that showed images make a huge difference to engagement: In a recent research study we conducted, we found that images can increase retweet rate by up to 150%: Images aren't just useful for Twitter, either.

Facebook and Google+ posts look great with images in them, and Pinterest and Instagram are all about images. To make the visual side of your social media strategy a bit easier, here are some tools to help you create awesome pictures. 1. PicMonkey is a really easy-to-use photo editing tool that runs in your browser. I love how easy-to-use PicMonkey is, and that you can jump in straight away and give it a go without creating an account or even uploading your own photos. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 Free Reading Programs for Kids on Mobile Devices. Reading books is the best gift a parent can give to their kids. Where do you find books for kids? With our busy schedule it is sometime hard to find time to visit the book stores and libraries.

That is why I like the eBooks and book apps for kids. They save the travel time to stores and libraries, and many times, they save money too. Today we put together 10 FREE reading programs that you can access from your iPhone or iPad. Each program offers different features. Farfaria : a travelling book library for kids with hundreds of books for kids age 2 to 10. Bookboard : a free book app allowing you to access all the books with a free membership. National Geographic Young Explorer : a free online magazine designed for kids from National Geographic Kids.

Timbuktu : a children’s magazine on the iPad. Poetry from the Poetry Foundation : the app offers free access to thousands poems from the Poetry Foundation. Oxford Owl : not an app, but a website that fully functional on iPad and iPhone. Hit counter map widget and tracker shows locations of all visitors to any site - free.

Meet-O-Matic: The World's Simplest Meeting Scheduler.