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Fondemnent scientifique Intelligence sociale MIT

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Center for Collective Intelligence. Psychologists have repeatedly shown that a single statistical factor—often called “general intelligence”— emerges from the correlations among people's performance on a wide variety of cognitive tasks. But no one had systematically examined whether a similar kind of “collective intelligence” exists for groups of people. In this work, we have found converging evidence of a general collective intelligence factor that explains a group's performance on a wide variety of tasks. This “c factor” is not strongly correlated with the average or maximum individual intelligence of group members, but it is correlated with the average social sensitivity of group members, the equality in distribution of conversational turn-taking, and the proportion of females in the group. Our continuing work is investigating the factors that affect the collective intelligence of a group, such as its size, the electronic collaboration tools it uses, and the gender mix of its members.

Publications Woolley, A. Bear, J. Peut-on mesurer l'intelligence collective d'un groupe ? Suite à la publication de mon billet Le R.O.I. de l’intelligence collective enfin démontré ? , Roberta Faulhaber, Visual Practitioner, m’a envoyé un article très intéressant. Depuis fort longtemps, on mesure le quotient intellectuel des individus.

Pourquoi ne pas mesurer l’intelligence collective d’un groupe ? C’est l’objet d’une étude publiée en 2010 par l’American Association for the Advancement of Science suite aux travaux d’un groupe de scientifiques réuni à l’initiative du MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (le célèbre Massachusetts Institute of Technology !) Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups Introduction de l’article :Psychologists have repeatedly shown that a single statistical factor—often called “general intelligence”—emerges from the correlations among people’s performance on awide variety of cognitive tasks. Quatre facteurs permettent d’expliquer le succès du groupe dans les tâches données : Related 25 October 2009 24 May 2008.