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The professional network for Architects and Designers. Kitchen Backsplash - eclectic - kitchen - philadelphia - by Kenny Grono. Natural paints and finishes.

Kitchen Backsplash - eclectic - kitchen - philadelphia - by Kenny Grono

Natural paints and finishes have little to no odor and are made from natural raw ingredients: water, plant dyes, essential oils, plant oils and resins, milk casein, natural latex, beeswax. Read the label and you'll see ingredients that you can more or less pronounce.People with allergies and sensitivities to traditional paint should consider using natural paints and finishes, as they are known to be the safest. The butcher block counter above was sealed with a wax and mineral oil mixture from The Real Milk Paint Company; its natural ingredients make up for the fact that the sealer wax has to be reapplied a few times a year (although that could be a burden to those on a budget). General contractor John Whipple says, "Many of my builds cater to a more senior clientele, who are more affected by the strong odors of paints, adhesives and lacquer clear coats.

39 Attic Rooms Cleverly Making Use of All Available Space. Attic rooms are usually the most appealing interiors in the whole house, even though we can not tell for sure what draws us to them so much.

39 Attic Rooms Cleverly Making Use of All Available Space

Some people unconsciously correlate them with secret rooms, or even with large playgrounds. Either way, they have a special charm, and a warm feel that seems to follow you around, even after you leave them. Designing such a space comes with its many challenges. That is why today we decided to try and make things easier for you. By putting together a list with the most beautiful attic rooms out there, we figured we would at least give you a starting point in decorating. Bougez vos murs ! Trends / Interior Looks. Log In Sign Up COLOURlovers Search.

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