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Great_scavenger_hunt_list-04-08-06.pdf (application/pdf Object) 132 Cures to Boredom. - Random. 1.

132 Cures to Boredom. - Random

Dial a random number and confuse the person who answers by saying things like; "Why did you call me? ", "How's Billy Bob? ", "Thank's for last night! (make kissy noises in phone", "I'm sorry to hear about your loss (hang up immediately)", "What happened to your mother is horrible! I'm so sorry she had to leave us on that note! " 2. 3. 4. Spider-Man Reviews Crayons! Part 1 of 3. Hey, true believers!

Spider-Man Reviews Crayons! Part 1 of 3.

I'm Spider-Man, and I've got like, 800,000 points of articulation. You might think sitting under fake plants is my favorite pastime, but joke's on's only my second. My favorite thing in the world is coloring. You know, with crayons. I've drawn everything from aardvarks to zebras, boats to name it, I've crayonned the shit out of it.

Today I shall illustrate this passion by kicking off a three-part series where I review each and every of Crayola's 96 available crayons. Cow holy, that's a lot of crayons. Here's "Yellow Orange. " "Violet" is purple in disguise -- look, they pretty much apologize for it right on the wrapper. Hmm. Carnation Instant Break...FASSSST! You're gonna love it in an instant! Crayola should give "Yellow Green" a more cutesy name that reflects its swampy hues. The cool thing about "Yellow" is that you always end up needing it a lot more than you anticipate. "Blue Violet" gonna set my soul, gonna set my soul on fire. AUGH! Oh ho! How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord. How to be a Successful Evil Overlord by Peter Anspach Being an Evil Overlord seems to be a good career choice.

How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord

It pays well, there are all sorts of perks and you can set your own hours. However every Evil Overlord I've read about in books or seen in movies invariably gets overthrown and destroyed in the end. I've noticed that no matter whether they are barbarian lords, deranged wizards, mad scientists, or alien invaders, they always seem to make the same basic mistakes every single time. With that in mind, allow me to present... The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear Plexiglas visors, not face concealing ones. Texts From Last Night. Wild Mood Swings - Surf the web on a whim. (C) Sean McManus. <p style="font-size:x-large;">Oh no!

Wild Mood Swings - Surf the web on a whim. (C) Sean McManus

You don't have Javascript enabled. Please <a href=" Javascript now</a> or the only moods you'll experience will be boredom and frustration. </p><hr noshade> Pick your mood, click the button and Wild Mood Swings will open an appropriate website in a new window. What is Wild Mood Swings? It's a simple game and online web experience: you select a mood from the pull-down list, click on 'take me away' and it'll whisk you away to an appropriate site. Each time you reload the page or click the shuffle moods link, the moods are sorted into a different order, adding an additional element of serendipity. What do I need to work it? Some of the links will take you to sites that require the Flash plug-in or Chrome browser.

Caculator. Write a Letter to the Future. Verbal Vomit: How to be a Hipster, Chapter 1. Hipster is a slang term that first appeared in the 1940s, and was revived in the 1990's and 2000's to describe types of young, recently settled urban middle class adults and older teenagers with interests in non-mainstream fashion and culture, particularly indie-rock, independent film, magazines such as Vice and Clash, and websites like Pitchfork Media.[1] In some contexts, hipsters are also referred to as scenesters.

Verbal Vomit: How to be a Hipster, Chapter 1

Do you want to be a Hipster? Do you wish you could join those sparkling beautiful people that you see pedaling past your house? Well, throw your TV's away, buy yourself a sturdy canvas bag, talk about joining the Peace Corp and read this short guide on becoming what you've always dreamed of: A Hipster. There's an art to finding acceptable Hipster clothing. The local thrift store will be just fine for all of your needs. If you live in a particularly hipster-infested area of the country like I do, and the thrift stores are all picked over, there are other options. a. B. C. HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF - StumbleUpon. Tell Gnod what you like.