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100 Sources of Idea Fuel for Tech Entrepreneurs. This post is #19 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category.

100 Sources of Idea Fuel for Tech Entrepreneurs

Total items listed: 101. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! Business - Derek Thompson - The 11 Ways That Consumers Are Hopeless at Math. This is your brain on shopping, and it's not very smart Reuters You walk into a Starbucks and see two deals for a cup of coffee.

Business - Derek Thompson - The 11 Ways That Consumers Are Hopeless at Math

The first deal offers 33% extra coffee. The second takes 33% off the regular price. Nokia and Google in a Patent War Over Nexus 7. It is barely a week since Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) launched its Nexus 7 tablet, and the lawsuits have started.

Nokia and Google in a Patent War Over Nexus 7

Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) (BIT: NOK1V) (AMS:NOKA) has filled a suit against Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) over the new Tablet, Nexus 7. Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) the Finnish based cell phone maker, claims that Google’s Nexus 7 tablet has infringed one of its patents, the IEEE 802.11 WiFi standard. Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) states that it can prove that neither Google nor ASUSTEK Computer Inc. (TPE:2357) (PINK:AKCPF), the hardware provider, have sought to license the technologies. The Taiwan based company, Asus, built a 7-inch tablet that runs on Google Android’s new mobile OS; Jelly Bean. A Nokia spokes man told the Inquirer: “Nokia has more than 40 licensees, mainly for its standards essential patent portfolio, including most of the mobile device manufacturers.

Microsoft Surface Tablet Hand on Review - Really an iPad Killer ! Microsoft Surface Tablet: Hands-on. Affiliate. Chevrolet Volt kemur á Íslandsmarkað í lok sumars. Volt selst betur en Leaf í USA. Vegamálastjóri „rúntaði“ á rafbíl. Japanese Surge Back into U.S. Car Market. U.S.

Japanese Surge Back into U.S. Car Market

June car sales should be the best they have been for any month since 2007. That year was just ahead of the sickening drop in volume which accompanied the recession and eventually triggered the bankruptcies of General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Chrysler. The most impressive increase in the June numbers will be the volume of vehicles sold by Toyota (NYSE: TM) and Honda (NYSE: HMC). The Japanese have become competitive in the U.S. market again, which should make it more difficult for domestic car manufacturers to hold the gains they have made over the past two years. Automotive marketplace site TrueCar expects Honda sales to rise 50.7% for June to 126,427. Toyota’s sales are expected to rise an extraordinary 67.9% to 186,217, which would put it within striking distance of Ford (NYSE: F).

Even sales of Japan’s also-ran brand, Nissan, are expected to rise 23.7% to 88,956. Japanese car sales will continue to rise because American buyers believe they are the best cars on the market. Sala heimiluð á nýju offitulyfi. Press Release. Geneva, 4 July 2012.

Press Release

At a seminar held at CERN1 today as a curtain raiser to the year’s major particle physics conference, ICHEP2012 in Melbourne, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented their latest preliminary results in the search for the long sought Higgs particle. Both experiments observe a new particle in the mass region around 125-126 GeV. “We observe in our data clear signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV. Higgs boson: how would you explain it to a seven-year-old? We've tried and, even with Ian Sample, some ping-pong balls and a bag of sugar, understanding what the Higgs boson is – and how scientists will know if they've found it – is proving difficult:

Higgs boson: how would you explain it to a seven-year-old?

The Higgs Boson Explained. Can’t Miss Startup Advice (June) Entrepreneur tips. Start a business while you work for others. Work-life balance is a crock Digitalnative ( Anyone can start a business.

Start a business while you work for others

What's tough is starting a successful business. That's why, if you hate your current job, the best way to start a business is to keep your full-time job, maybe for years. Staying employed is, except in rare cases, the best way to dip a toe in the entrepreneurial waters. Sure, that approach requires a tremendous amount of hard work, discipline, and sacrifice. Africa ETFs: Cure For The Common Portfolio? When asked to identify the economies that are posting the most substantial GDP expansion in the current environment, many investors would quickly respond with China, India, and other well known emerging markets.

Africa ETFs: Cure For The Common Portfolio?

Those two countries are certainly among the leaders in terms of global economic growth; both are expected to expand at clips greater than 5% for the foreseeable future. But their integration into global markets also makes them vulnerable to adverse developments in places such as Europe, a relationship that we’ve been reminded of quite frequently in recent months. Another less publicized source of expected GDP growth in coming years–at least according to the World Bank–is Africa. Though the continent faces no shortages of challenges in a quest to ultimately become part of the developed world, the economy there is showing tremendous promise and emerging as a potentially attractive investment destination.

Africa ETFs.