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قران كريم

Study. الادارة المالية. التنمية البشرية. How to Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation. In this tutorial, we'll manipulate a picture so it looks like a woman burning in flames. The idea behind this manipulation was to create a nice looking illustration, only by using simple techniques and tools such as the Brush tool and Warp command. I hope you enjoy the tutorial and try it with your own stock imagery. Editor's note: This tutorial was originally published on Psdtuts in January 2009. Step 1 For this project, I used two nice images that suits for the manipulation; image1, image2. Step 2 Let's start with image1, open and duplicate this image by using the Image > Duplicate command from the menu bar. Step 3 With the "PassionFire" image active, duplicate the "background" layer.

Step 4 Reactivate "Layer 1," then press Command + Shift + U to apply desaturate command. Step 5 Duplicate "Layer 1," then apply the find edges filter from Filter > Stylized > Find Edges. Step 6 To give the white line more contrast, duplicate the "Layer 1" copy then change the Blending Mode to Screen. Step 7. منوع. WORLD - Monde. سبحان الله. Stock Photos | Shutterstock: Royalty-Free Subscription Stock Photography & Vector Art. الموقع. Images.