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Psych Central - Resource Directory. A Simple Strategy to Help You Stop Procrastinating. You don’t have to feel guilty when you put off doing the ton of items that you’d like to accomplish and can’t seem to get done. It may be that you have changed your priorities and are focusing on more important tasks, neglecting items that don’t hold an important value in the bigger scheme of things. You may also be overwhelmed at the enormousness of the task and give up, rather than breaking it into smaller time segments to get it done.

Either way, you will free up much needed mental space once you identify which category your “to-do” list item should fall into. You will also find that you are free from excess mental clutter and open up more time and energy to accomplish the things that you truly value. Sometimes becoming more organized can do wonders for procrastination. So to help with procrastination, you may find it helpful to address each thing on your to-do list by making an intentional choice to either: Do it: Put it on your calendar and block out time to accomplish the task.

Generally Thinking. Reconstructing the Past: How Recalling Memories Alters Them. The first experiment to show the enhancing and distorting effect of recall. Recently the neurologist and author Oliver Sacks recalled a vivid childhood memory, recounted in his autobiography, Uncle Tungsten During WWII he lived in London during the Blitz, and on one occasion: “…an incendiary bomb, a thermite bomb, fell behind our house and burned with a terrible, white-hot heat. My father had a stirrup pump, and my brothers carried pails of water to him, but water seemed useless against this infernal fire—indeed, made it burn even more furiously. Except when his autobiography came out, one of his older brothers told him he’d misremembered the event. The ‘false’ memory, it turned out, was implanted by a letter. Turning the memory over in his mind, Sacks writes that he still cannot see how the memory of the bomb exploding can be false.

This sort of experience is probably much more common than we might like to imagine. What this is showing is how false memories can grow in the mind. Psychology studies relevant to everyday life from PsyBlog. Mind Hacks. The Situationist. Top 30 Psychology Blogs of 2012. Top 30 Psychology Blogs of 2012. Technology. "The lights have dimmed in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater, and journo-bloggers have published closing one-liners on their live blogs, uploading final pics of the new longer, skinnier and more powerful iPhone 5," says a journo-blogger at Technorati.

"It is time for Apple's annual post-product and OS release ritual, as fan boys (and girls) dance proudly around the fires newly stoked by Apple CEO Tim Cook and crew, while head-shaking iHaters stand just outside the warm, orange-y ring of light, waiting their turn to jeer and mock. " Hmm - somebody just got back from Burning Man. Yes, the desperately awaited, completely unnecessary and sure-to-sell-loads iPhone 5 was introduced this Wednesday. The question now: what's so 5 about the iPhone 5? Continue Reading Story » What is Psychology?