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Electric body manipulation

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Body Hack.

Our electro body stuff

Electro-stimulation. Artifacial. Electric Body Performance. STELARC FRACTAL FLESH. The self-similarity found throughout nature - the small-scale infinitely reflecting the large-scale - could be absorbed into the human/machine symbiosis, in terms of both form and function. Granted the evolutionary importance of the human hand, for example, a post-evolutionary strategy might see each of the fingers having its own hand, vastly amplifying and fine-tuning human dexterity. Alternatively, PYRAMID-PERSONAGES, able to operate simultaneously through macro to micro scales, could experience space/time realms and relations perceptually veiled from our present physiological perspective. THE RECURSIVE BEING WOULD MORE EFFECTIVELY EXTRUDE ITS EXISTENCE THROUGH A TELEMATIC SCALING OF THE SENSES.

Consider a body that is directly wired into the Net - a body that stirs and is startled by the whispers and twitches of REMOTE AGENTS - other physical bodies in other places. Troy Innocent - Software Design Gary Zebington - Remote Body-Control Software FRACTAL FLESH video clip (1.1 Mb) Stelarc, Muscle Control. BODY HACK by Daito Manabe. “Face Visualizer” , “Face Instrument” | Daito Manabe. I got inspired “we can make fake smile with sending electric stimulation signals from computer to face, but NO ONE can make real smile without humans emotion”. This is words from Mr. Teruoka who is my collaborator to make devices. And the piece was influenced by the work of the French researcher G.B. Duchenne “Mecanisme de la physionomie humain” from Icono-Photographique and the Austrian artist Stelarc’s “Ping body”.

Coming from this trail of thought I began experimenting with myoelectric sensors and low frequency pulse generators intending to copy the expression of one face onto another. The face visualizer video which known as “Electric Stimulus to Face test” is one of the experiment of this project. Movie Download Please use these files without any licenses. Electric stimulus Daito Manabe. Electromusical face (David Liebetanz, Matthias Marass. In proxima altera // Gaël L.

Electrostimulation technics