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Cities and data: By the numbers. Releases “Open Source Data Server, Community Edition” Sanjay Pradhan: How open data is changing international aid. The Manchester Hackathon – 17th November « Open Data Manchester. The Open Data Effect: Creating Optimistic Radicals at OKFest | Development Gateway. I am Stephen Davenport, Director of Innovation at Development Gateway, and recently I attended my first Open Knowledge event, the OKFestival in Helsinki Finland. As a development professional with a technology background I am often skeptical of such events as too soft a subject. What is knowledge anyway? It’s too generic. It’s too easy to immerse yourself in the theoretical and loose sight of the practical. However, it seems I am behind the times. As I listened, commented, and responded to questions, I noticed a pattern emerging. If Open Data is in fact the “gateway drug” to a more participatory government, how do we emphasize the importance of the political and emotional change that comes with it?

However, more focus is needed on the ecosystem that surrounds such tools and standards. Helsinki was an excellent opportunity to see how quickly progress is being made and how mindsets are slowly changing. I am an “optimistic radical” it would seem. Home - Search. Why Governments Open: Technology and Inclusive Institutions in Developing Countries.

[Editor's note: Tomorrow, Josh Goldstein is presenting on this topic as part of the CITP Luncheon Series, at the Woodrow Wilson School on Princeton's campus. (12:10pm, in Robertson Hall room 023)] Around the world, societies generally agree that governments and bureaucrats should use the coercive power of the state, not to create extractive institutions that appropriate resources to the powerful elite, but rather to create inclusive institutions, which re-distribute political power and underpin economic institutions that provide incentive for investment and innovation (Acemoglu, Johnson & Robinson 2004). The Open Government Partnership (OGP), a high-level political movement dedicated to transparency, responsiveness and accountability, is underpinned by the notion that institutions, rather than culture or geography, are the fundamental cause of long-run growth, and that inclusive politics shapes economic institutions, rather than the other way around.

Roundup: Open Government Partnership | Public Leaders Network | Guardian Professional. Open Data Tutorial at ICEGOV. Project of the Day: The Canadian Health Hackatons. “Hacking Health is a hackathon that is focused on social innovation more than technical innovation. Our approach to improve healthcare is to pair technological innovators with healthcare experts to build realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line healthcare problems”. In Tim Review, Jeeshan Chowdhury relates their experience: “With the urgent need for disruptive innovation in health and the social barriers to change that currently exist, a group of young professionals spanning medicine, technology, and policy proposed an experiment to test whether the hackathon model could be applied not only to the development of projects but also to interdisciplinary teams.

The experiment was Hacking Health, the first health-focused hackathon in Canada. Unlike other hackathons, Hacking Health’s primary goal was not simply to spur the development of interesting projects, but it was to attempt to narrow the gap between frontline health professionals and technology experts in rapid but lasting way. San Francisco looks to tap into the open data economy. As interest in open data continues to grow around the world, cities have become laboratories for participatory democracy.

They’re also ground zero for new experiments in spawning civic startups that deliver city services or enable new relationships between the people and city government. San Francisco was one of the first municipalities in the United States to embrace the city as a platform paradigm in 2009, with the launch of an open data platform. Years later, the city government is pushing to use its open data to accelerate economic development. On Monday, San Francisco announced revised open data legislation to enable that change and highlighted civic entrepreneurs who are putting the city’s data to work in new mobile apps.

City staff have already published the revised open data legislation on GitHub. (If other cities want to “fork” it, clone away.) Rise of the CDO In creating a CDO, San Francisco is running a play from the open data playbooks of Chicago and Philadelphia. Related: Sechs Fragen zu Open Data und Patent Informationen… – Herr Krueger. Istanbul, 7:38, Tag 385 Heute Nacht habe ich einer unerfahrenen jungen Familie mit ihrem Baby geholfen. Ich wollte es füttern, aber bei der Zubereitung des Breis ging alles schief, statt eines gesunden Mixes liessen sich nur einzelne Bestandteile in die Schale befördern, so dass entweder nur Flocken oder nur Honig darin war. Sollte ich dem Baby nur Honig geben? Die Eltern waren mit ihrem Gepäck beschäftigt, ich wollte Fotos der ersten Stunden machen.

Im nächsten Moment konnte das Baby schon erste Worte sprechen, ich wunderte mich sehr darüber. Mein Traum endete damit, dass ich einem Bekannten auf seiner Baustelle zusah, die sich an einer Mauer über einem Biergarten befand, den er dort illegal für die Handwerker betrieb. Ich hörte an der Mauer stehend ein Notstromaggregat brummen, aber scheinbar befanden sich die Gäste im Schallschatten… ich wachte wieder zeitig vor dem Wecker, trotz späten Zubettgehens, auf und freute mich über ein ruhiges Aufstehen. Gefällt mir: Gefällt mir Lade... The Benefits of Open Data (part II) – Impact on Economic Research. This blog is cross-posted from the OKFN’s Open Economics blog A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the first part of the three part series on Open Data in Economics.

Drawing upon examples from top research that focused on how providing information and data can help increase the quality of public service provision, the article explored economic research on open data. In this second part, I would like to explore the impact of openness on economic research. We live in a data-driven age There used to be a time when data was costly: There was not much data around. Comparable GDP data, for example, has only been collected starting in the early mid 20th Century. Today, however, statistics and econometric analysis has arrived in every office: Open Data initiatives at the World Bank and governments have made it possible to download cross-country GDP and related data using a few mouse-clicks.

Why we need open data and access The main economic argument in favour of open data is gains from trade. Illinois launches Open Technology Challenge. Prime minister’s special envoy ‘disappointed’ with open data use. Prime Minister David Cameron’s special envoy on the UN’s post-2015 development goals has said that he is ‘disappointed’ by how much the government’s open datasets have been used so far. Speaking at a Reform event in London this week on open government and data transparency, Anderson said he recognises that the public sector needs to improve the way it pushes out the data so that it is easier to use. “I am going to be really honest with you. As an official in a government department that has worked really hard to get a lot of data out in the last two years, I have been pretty disappointed by how much it has been used,” he said.

The UK government is investing heavily in transparency, where minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude, recently launched a white paper that detailed the government’s drive to release data into the public domain for analysis and re-use. Anderson said: “I’m sure that a big part of [how much it is being used] is the kind of way that we are delivering the data. Review of open data to explore growth opportunities : Nykom | UK. You are here: Home / Business / Review of open data to explore growth opportunities Finding new ways to use information held by the public sector will be examined in a new independent review jointly launched today by Ministers at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Cabinet Office.

Read article. Free and Open Data as a Worldwide Economic Engine | The Great Debate UK. –Cameron Neylon is Advocacy Director at PLOS. Previously, he was a Senior Scientist at the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council and a faculty member at the University of Southampton. The opinions expressed are those of PLOS.– California’s governor, referring as much to the state’s financial issues as its lead in technology, has signed into law a new fund to create 50 open-source undergraduate textbooks, as well as a digital library to host them. By being digital, the textbooks will be able to evolve rapidly as the needs of students and the state of knowledge change, but more importantly they will be made available under a Creative Commons license, allowing any individual or organization, anywhere in the world, to read, use, and remix the content.

It’s not always easy for us researchers to stomach the idea of others making money off of our work, but at PLOS, when we say “open access”, we have always meant more than just making the literature of research readable. The Manchester Hackathon – 17th November 2012. For the first time ever, the City of Manchester invites you to dig underneath its digital skin. FutureEverything, Open Data Manchester and Manchester City Council are looking for experts and innovators to hack, code, programme and experiment with the city’s sets of open data to build new applications and develop future services.

Utilising the open data sets from DataGM made available by Manchester City Council and public sector partners, participants are welcome to produce anything they wish - develop applications to help people find their way around, stay safe, discover new experiences and everything and anything in between. All data is released under the Open Government Licence. Taking place at MadLab in the heart of Manchester’s Northern Quarter on Saturday 17th November, the Manchester Hackathon is set to be an intense, productive and exciting collaboration between the brightest minds in software development and data processing.

. * £1000 prize & £3,600 development funding. Know everything about Open Data Licensing. Doing Science Using Open Data – Part 1 « The Amazing World of Psychiatry: A Psychiatry Blog. If you’re a budding scientist but you don’t have the resources to run a big study there is another way to do science – by using readily available datasets. There are various datasets published online that are very accessible. is the UK Government’s portal for making government data available under an Open Government License with the intention of producing a transparent government. This is a very flexible license that enables the reuse of the data for many purposes subject to the license conditions. To get the reader started I will walk you through this step-by-step (you will need either Excel or an Excel Viewer) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

This is where the hypothesis generation begins. H1: In the UK, deaths in the age group 45-64 years of age are several times higher than deaths in the age group 15-44 years of age. We can generate a second hypothesis Both hypotheses need to be tested and we can do this through the use of additional datasets as well as statistical analyses. Launching the Open Data Institute: bottom-up, middle-out, top-down. Nigel Shadbolt discusses the realities of harnessing the potential of open data for governments, businesses and citizens. With Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Professor Shadbolt is the joint head of the newly formed Open Data Institute in London which he summarises as “… building the supply side; building capability and empowerment; developing a demand side”.

Calling for “a real forensic commitment to open data”, he explores new economic models needed around open data as well as the need to better understand where and knowing how the value is being generated. There’s a feeling that the job is never done – it’s eternally vigilant process of trying to improve the quality, improve the format, improve the ease of publication.

Professor Shadbolt also shares his hopes and aspirations for the Open Government Partnership in the next 12 months. About Prof. Nigel Shadbolt In 2009 the Prime Minister appointed him and Sir Tim Berners-Lee as Information Advisors to transform access to Public Sector Information. Open Data Research. Farmer finds facts lost in transmission. The emperor has no clothes. In fact, the emperor is butt-naked, disrobed by a cattle farmer from Burrell Creek - a place so small, its distinguishing features include a house, a community hall and a phone box … population not stipulated. Four months ago - on hearing of a proposal to run giant transmission lines through his property - a farmer from the NSW north coast, Bruce Robertson, delved into the claims the power companies had been making about electricity prices. He found they were untrue. Four days ago, the Productivity Commission corroborated what Robertson had been saying all along.

Advertisement Now Robertson says the power lobby has even misled the Senate, by insisting the price rises are the fault of ''peak demand'' and rising consumption. ''Demand is falling, not rising,'' Robertson says. Page four of the Grid Australia submission to the Senate cites ''key causes of electricity price increases over recent years'' as ''ageing infrastructure'' and ''increase in demand''. The Benefits of Open Data (part II) – Impact on Economic Research.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the first part of the three part series on Open Data in Economics. Drawing upon examples from top research that focused on how providing information and data can help increase the quality of public service provision, the article explored economic research on open data. In this second part, I would like to explore the impact of openness on economic research. We live in a data-driven age There used to be a time when data was costly: There was not much data around. Comparable GDP data, for example, has only been collected starting in the early mid 20th Century. Today, however, statistics and econometric analysis has arrived in every office: Open Data initiatives at the World Bank and governments have made it possible to download cross-country GDP and related data using a few mouse-clicks. Why we need open data and access The main economic argument in favour of open data is gains from trade.

Corruption hackathon: Programmers gather to combat corruption in Quebec. MONTREAL — Before the Charbonneau Commission kicked off its hearings, the average Quebecer had little idea how deep the alleged ties between construction firms, the mafia and civil servants went. There were simply too many blind spots where shady deals could transpire, safe from the eyes of regulators and the public. But a group of tech-savvy citizens hopes to reduce the number of hideouts and let Quebecers know the people are watching.

On Nov. 10, an anti-corruption “hackathon” will gather programmers to create software that tracks government spending and private-sector influence to make it easier to spot suspicious dealings. (Disclaimer: The Gazette is a sponsor of this event). “We want to create an environment where citizen, journalists, and politicians can build tools that fight corruption,” said Jonathan Brun, co-founder of Québec Ouvert, the group organizing the event. “It should raise a red flag when contractors cite inflated costs,” Brun said. Ghana Open Data Bootcamp, Oct 24-26 #opendata. Le Manuel de l’opendata — Open Data Handbook. Study of increase in traffic tickets issued around end of month inconclusive | The Australian Eye News.

The Denton Declaration | Open Access @ The ODI embraces data-as-culture with art commission | Open Data Institute. Open Week. Where is the Data? - Tanzania. Le Manuel de l’opendata — Open Data Handbook. Quantity and quality: why the social sciences need a skills step-change | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional. U.S. News & World Report Leverages Healthcare Finder API to Help Consumers Find Insurance Coverage. La Sécurité sociale veut étrangler un site comparateur de tarifs des médecins | Shabba's news. San Francisco experiments with citizensourcing better ideas. Minsky / Home / Home. Why Every Public Agency Needs a Data Strategy | EfficientGov. | Opening up government. Government data PDF enthusiasts will be 'dealt with', says Maude | News. Open data : l'Etat cherche à monétiser les données publiques.

Application Development Trends: Using Government Data. A Voice of the Web » Blog Archive » Open Government Data in Developing Countries: Action needed. Case Studies/GlaxoSmithKline. A5bry09CEAAN8Lc. Jobs | Open Data Institute. Join our live debate on data, aid and censorship | Video | News | Guardian Professional. The Future of Health Is in #Opendata. The Future of Health Is in #Opendata. API days, The First International event on APIs in Europe. Innova_proyect : Interesante nuevo servicio... Portal de Datos Públicos - Inicio. A5RkcQ_CUAE0gyA. Afrographique: An infographic of the largest... SFgov/San-Francisco-Open-Data-Legislation-2012. Worldwide open data leaders met in France. Open Interests Europe. The National Broadband Map: A Case Study on Open Innovation for National Policy. San Francisco set to appoint chief data officer in revised open data legislation. San Francisco Proposes Revised Open Data Legislation, Plans to Hire Chief Data Officer. Uruguay: Así de fácil es ejercer tu derecho a la información pública. ~ #OpenData.

Open data. The Promise Of Open Energy Data. The Benefits of Open Data – Evidence from Economic Research. Open Data Licensing Animation - OERIPR Support. 296 de M. Lionel Tardy (UMP - Haute-Savoie) Home. #opendata. Open data opens minefield.