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Understand Cocos2D And Box2D Physics – Create A Very Slick Bouncing Ball. In the past I’ve mentioned a couple of tutorials explaining the basics of using Box2D and Cocos2D to create a platform game, and another on creating an Angry Birds style game. Those tutorials do a great job of covering Box2D with a broad brush, and covering the basics of using Box2D in your Cocos2D games. Today I came across a more focused tutorial that specifically covers the topic of soft body physics showing how to create a bouncing ball in Cocos2D with soft body physics giving it a very realistic look. Here’s a video of the final result of the tutorials in action: Every step along the way is explained in-depth so you can get a full understanding covering distance joints, triangle fan mapping, and texture mapping.

The tutorial is by @uchidacoonga and you can find it on his website here. A great in-depth tutorial on getting started with soft body physics with Cocos2D and Box2D. Added to the Cocos2D tutorial page. Audacity: 自由的成音工程軟體. Cocos2d/cocos2d-x. Ntran013/SneakyInput. Esoteric Software. TexturePacker - Create Sprite Sheets for your game! Optimize Your Game! TexturePacker helps you reduce memory usage and improve game's performance For best performance directly export to your target system's image formats like PVR, KTX and others.