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TexturePacker - Create Sprite Sheets for your game!

TexturePacker - Create Sprite Sheets for your game!
Optimize Your Game! TexturePacker helps you reduce memory usage and improve game's performance For best performance directly export to your target system's image formats like PVR, KTX and others.

App Maker - Make an app with Conduit Mobile With our wide range of features, you can create a custom app no matter what your niche: restaurant, realtor, business, rock band, and all the rest! Make Money Promote Your Business Share Your Content Cocos2D Skeletal Animation : Part 2 In part 1 of series, we discussed various tools we explored for doing skeletal animation for your game. Here, In part 2, we discuss in detail about How to use grapefrukt exporter. 1. First of all download the grapefrukt exporter from you have grapefrukt exporter downloaded, open a new flash document (I am using Flash CS5 and AS3).

LibGdx en español: Rectángulos, entradas y colisiones. Formas Geometricas, Entradas y Colisiones. Saludos de nuevo, vamos a empezar con la parte interesante de la creación de juegos, la lógica del juego, para ello vamos a crear 2 modos para que al explicar resulte más sencillo. Vamos a crear un modo Debug en el que dibujaremos en pantalla las formas geometricas, las moveremos, como si de un personaje, mob, pared, o cualquier objeto se tratara, y el modo normal, donde pintaremos las texturas con sus imágenes originales y veremos el juego tal y como debería ser. ShapeRenderer El ShapeRenderer es un objeto que se encarga de dibujar formas geometricas, es capaz de dibujar circulos, conos, lineas, puntos, rectangulos,triangulos, etc.

spriter Create rotated, flipped and scaled clones of entire animations Spriter Pro Free Animate with bones or by controlling images directly Basic easing features Javascript Need reasons to love Bootstrap? Look no further. By nerds, for nerds. Built at Twitter by @mdo and @fat, Bootstrap utilizes LESS CSS, is compiled via Node, and is managed through GitHub to help nerds do awesome stuff on the web. Made for everyone. Bootstrap was made to not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browsers (as well as IE7!) Anime Studio - Animation Software for Professionals, Beginners, Kids & Teachers AdMobInLibgdx - libgdx - How to setup AdMob with a libgdx app - Android/iOS/HTML5/desktop game development framework This article shows you how to set up AdMob with a libgdx app. This is current roughly with AdMob 4.0.4 and libgdx 0.9.1. The same instructions will work with Mobclix as well (and probably others), the only changes being the differences between the AdMob and Mobclix APIs. In the code snippets, I'm going to leave out the package and import lines for brevity.

100+ Clean, Simple and Minimalist Website Designs Minimalism has been a popular website design style for years. It has so many benefits; minimalist sites load faster, take fewer server resources, and are often faster to develop than more graphically complicated designs. Plus, they give a professional, clean impression to visitors. Many people still view minimalist designs as boring. grapefrukt/grapefrukt-export Principles Of Minimalist Web Design, With Examples Advertisement Minimalism is achieved by reducing a design to only the most essential elements. Expressions of minimalism span multiple disciplines, as well as other art forms such as music and literature. For website designers, though, minimalism can be intimidating and difficult to master.

Choosing the Right Colors for Your Web Site Do colors influence web site visitors? When creating a site, choosing the optimum colors is one of the most difficult tasks that arise in spite of the apparent easiness. Choosing the perfect chromatic palette is important in order to effectively communicate the message, in order to strengthen the idea of a unique entity and to create brand awareness. How to choose colors? Researchers agree that colors greatly influence the human state of mind. The color scheme that you use on your web site can entice the visitor to engage in the goal of your site (i.e. make a purchase or request your services) or leave it after the first few seconds. Understanding the F-Layout in Web Design Today we're going to examine the "F Pattern Layout". Rather than trying to force the viewer's visual flow, the F-Layout gives in to the natural behaviors of most web surfers and it uses scientific studies to back it up. This tutorial will walk you through the principles of the F-Layout, why it works, and how you can create your own. Republished Tutorial

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