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AccessArt: Visual Arts Teaching, Learning & Practice. Classroom tested art projects and lesson plans for kids. Yarn Snowballs - Tutorial. Crafts keep me up at night. I lay in bed and occasionally I come up with a good idea. This may be one of them - yarn snowballs. You will need: Cotton yarn, I tried acrylic but they didn't get hard enoughBalloons, I used the smallest ones I could findVaselineWaterElmer's GlueGlitterClothes hangerNeedle and threadSpray acrylicBagGet started: Step 1: Blow up balloons. I put too much air in some of mine and the end result is a yarn ball that looks like a balloon. Step 2: Cover balloon in a thin layer of Vaseline.

This isn't as messy as I thought it would be and my Little Man was able to help out with this step. Step 3: Soak yarn in a water and glue mixture. Step 4: After you have the balloon covered with yarn, run some thread through the tied off portion and hang it on a clothes hanger to dry. Step 5: Once balloon is dry, pop balloon and gingerly pull it out. Step 6: Place yarn ball in bag and go crazy with the glitter. Step 7: Pull yarn ball out and admire your handy work. Educator Resource Finder. Wonder Brooks Artist Teacher Extraordinaire | the ramblings and scramblings of a teacher in progress. Switch Zoo Make New Animals. THE DAILY MONSTER: How are you? I'm glad you're here. As always, the Daily Monsters are restless, and they've been waiting for your visit. Here is a very special 7th Anniversary Monster to get you started: Here's what you'll find on the site: Click here to check out all the Daily Monster video clips, and the brilliant stories about each creature by viewers from all over the world.

You can also check out this trailer for the amazing documentary recently made about me and the Monsters: You can watch the whole thing on their site at this link. But wait... there's more! Click here if you feel like drawing a few monsters of your own. It's scary stuff! Or click here if you'd like to help me build the World's Tallest Monster! The first 100 monsters are also available as a book/DVD. It's a nifty little item, and a labor of love. (Make sure to keep an eye on the cover monster!) Finally, if you like, you can take a look at my online store if you feel like ordering limited edition monster prints and 344design goodies. Texture Gallery: Textures created with acrylic paint. ARTiculation. Curious George . Mix and Paint. Come play again later!

Come play again tomorrow! Figure & Gesture Drawing Tool. Origami and Papercrafts. Create a 60′s Psychedelic Style Concert Poster. In this tutorial, we will go through the steps to create a retro 1960s psychedelic concert poster. This tutorial relies heavily on the use of the Warp Tool, but includes a few other techniques as well. Let's get started. Create a new document with a poster-like size ratio. Visualize how you want the document to be laid out and draw some rough guides with the Brush Tool (B) on a new layer called "guides". I drew several different compartments that will each contain a different piece of text and one that will contain an image. Make a solid color adjustment layer and fill it with a deep purple. Now to set the first bit of text.

Go Edit>Transform>Warp and warp the text to fit the compartment. Now let's go back in and change the color on some of this text. Many of these old posters were screen printed. The thing that is really going to make this look good and realistic is some texture. Now let's move on to our image that will fill the rest of the poster. Now, let's get back to the poster. Education : Teachers : Lesson Plans. Incas.