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Pour une Magna Carta numérique. Dans une récente tribune publiée par The Guardian en date du 12 mars, Sir Tim Berners Lee, reconnu comme étant l’inventeur du Web, milite ardemment pour la définition d’une Magna Carta du réseau, soit un standard international destiné à protéger l’indépendance du support et les droits de ses utilisateurs.

Pour une Magna Carta numérique

Inquiet des attaques répétées des divers gouvernements et multinationales enclins à façonner la toile à la forme de leurs besoins de puissance et de contrôle, le britannique estime nécessaire la promulgation de nouvelles règles capables de sauvegarder le caractère “ouvert et neutre” du réseau. Les 10 experts du web qui seront incontournable. 50 Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2012 (So Far) As we approach the Labor Day holiday, it’s a good time to look back and review all of the great content that’s been published so far this year.

50 Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2012 (So Far)

It’s been a busy time in the world of digital marketing, considering everything from the highly influential launch of the Penguin algorithm update to shifts in the way consumers engage with social networks and mobile devices. If you’re feeling behind the times, here are a few of the best articles I’ve seen published so far this year: SEO Industry Changes So far in 2012, Google’s Penguin update launch has been far and away the biggest story in SEO. Selling Digital Goods Online: E-Commerce Services Compared.

How 20 popular websites looked when they launched. 2. - launched in 2004 3. - launched in 2003 4. - launched in 1994 5. - launched in 2005.

How 20 popular websites looked when they launched

The evolution of the web. My 10 years of blogging: Reflections, Lessons & Some Stats Too. How long a link will people pay attention?


Tools. Find the stuff. Webdesign. Influences du web et d'Internet sur la société. Two decades of the web: a utopia no longer. Evgeny Morozov traces the development of the web from the laboratories of the Cold War to the world of venture capital and big money The “virtual community”: an idea that was the antithesis of Cold War paranoia The internet is a child with many fathers.

Two decades of the web: a utopia no longer

It is an extremely complex multi-module technology and each module—from communication protocols to browsers—has a convoluted history. Monitor: The net generation, unplugged. Totally different from previous generations—or just younger?

Monitor: The net generation, unplugged

THEY are variously known as the Net Generation, Millennials, Generation Y or Digital Natives. But whatever you call this group of young people—roughly, those born between 1980 and 2000—there is a widespread consensus among educators, marketers and policymakers that digital technologies have given rise to a new generation of students, consumers, and citizens who see the world in a different way. Growing up with the internet, it is argued, has transformed their approach to education, work and politics. Another digital gold rush. PIER 38 is a vast, hangar-like structure, perched on San Francisco's waterfront.

Another digital gold rush

Once a place where Chinese immigrants landed with picks and shovels, ready to build railways during California's Gold Rush, the pier is now home to a host of entrepreneurs with smartphones and computers engaged in a race for internet riches. From their open-plan offices, the young people running start-ups with fashionably odd names such as NoiseToys, Adility and Trazzler can gaze at the fancy yachts moored nearby when they aren't furiously tapping out lines of code. “The speed of innovation is unlike anything we've seen before,” says Ryan Spoon, who runs Dogpatch Labs, an arm of a venture-capital firm that rents space to young companies at Pier 38.

Like many other entrepreneurs, the tenants would love to follow firms such as Facebook and Zynga, a maker of hugely popular online games including Farmville, that have been thrust into the internet limelight in the space of a few short years. 100 Websites You Should Know and Use. Entertainment.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use

101 Essential Blogging Resources. 45 More Excellent Blog Designs. Advertisement We, designers, are creative folks.

45 More Excellent Blog Designs

And being creative, we permanently strive for inspiration — innovative approaches, crazy ideas, smashing concepts and, in general, unique designs which can help us to observe a given problem from a fresh perspective. Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: The Real-Time Web. The State of the Web 2010 BBH Labs. Every year Mary Meeker from Morgan Stanley amazes us with her State of the Web presentation, and this year is no exception.

The State of the Web 2010 BBH Labs

The presentation is immensely valuable to our profession because it highlights shifts in internet culture and identifies opportunities for businesses and marketers alike. The most provoking part of the presentation is the Disruptive Innovation slide. Les recettes pour faire payer des contenus. La barrière de péage a fait son temps.

Les recettes pour faire payer des contenus

Du Wall Street Journal à Rolling Stone, la presse étudie les nouvelles mécaniques pour atteindre le portefeuille de ses lecteurs. Et après? Depuis un an, le tabou est brisé. Les barrières de péage ont germé sur les sites de presse en ligne. Mais les consommateurs ne se sont pas précipités dans le grand bain payant, alors que l'offre gratuite prospère par ailleurs sur le Web. Pour Heather Hollis, directrice artistique de l'éditeur de jeux vidéos Electronic Arts, le jeu vidéo peut inspirer la presse. The fall and rise of user experience : Cennydd Bowles on user experience.