09 March 2016 1 year before the Manchester Attack - Police apologise for "Allahu Akbar" being shouted at fake terror attack. Nobody noticed - Manchester Terror Drill carried out within miles of Manchester Arena 1 year prior to the Arena attack. My God. ARENA. The cult of Isis carried out sacrifices on STAGES. Mason = 22 in Numerology. Just a year ago I thought the biggest secret being kept from humanity was that the Earth is Flat.
Six months later I learned of the Giant Trees that once inhabited our world and thought THAT was the biggest secret. But then I discovered there is one even greater! And of course this might not be the last. And each breakthrough compliments the last. Each breakthrough resonates with the last and therefore, to me, we are on the right path.
So let’s prove this. Let’s start with the Macro and work our way down to the Micro. That King Arthur and his twelve knights of the Round Table symbolize this. Manchester omber a lone-wolf - Wolves / Lukos / Lewis - initiates of the Rites of Isis wore Wolf skins, heads, called wolves. The Manchester suicide bomber may have been a lone wolf, counter-terrorism police have said.
In the four days between landing in the UK and carrying out the atrocity that killed 22 people, Salman Abedi bought most of the components and built the bomb by himself. Police said they still need to find the blue suitcase which he was seen with hours before he launched the attack on May 22. It may contain crucial evidence of bomb-making equipment or potential associates, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said yesterday, which could allow forensic experts to piece his final movements together. Candle lit vigils OMG Hecate Torch Festival and 1000 points of light. Richard Cobden - Wikipedia. As a young man, Cobden was a successful commercial traveller who became co-owner of a highly profitable calico printing factory in Manchester, a city with which he would become strongly identified.
However, he soon found himself more engaged in politics, and his travels convinced him of the virtues of free trade (anti-protection) as the key to better international relations. Manchester Attack - Oldham incident, shortly after. Mock terror attack staged at Manchester's Trafford Centre – video. On the anniversary of Lee rigbys horrific murder it looks like we have been attacked again #Manchester. Manchester Attack - Victoria Station. Lemuria - Roman festival, 11 May Julian, 22 May Gregorian (current) Manchester attack: Colluseum goes dark, it's all Roman stuff. British Prime Minister Theresa May announced Tuesday that the country’s terror threat level has been raised to its highest level based on evidence gathered during the investigation of the deadly attack at a Manchester Ariana Grande concert, signifying that another attack may be imminent.
"The threat level should be increased, for the time being, from severe to critical," May said, adding the assessment is "a further attack may be imminent. " Raising the country's threat level means that armed military personnel will replace police officers at some public events, such as sports matches, according to May.
"It is a possibility we cannot ignore, that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack," she added. Based on intelligence provided by the British, a U.S. government official told Fox News the evidence points to a suspect who was "coached or trained on line or in person" to carry out the attack. Expand / Collapse May said Abadi was born and raised in Britain. Richard Cobden - basically founder of the EU, United States of Europe. The Fabian Society: the masters of subversion unmasked by Cassivellaunus, 31 March 2013.
Manchester Attack - St Annes Square Statue, flowers - Richard Cobden: goal of Free Trade is the abolition of the Nation-State. Free Trade is about Creating a World State Peter Myers, August 2, 2001; update June 17, 2005.
Write to me at contact.html. You are at (1) Rochard Cobden (2) Strobe Talbott (Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State) (1) Rochard Cobden Richard Cobden was the leading public advocate of "Free Trade" in Britain 150 years ago. Cobden's real motives are revealed in this speech: "... Cobden's goal is more political than economic. . (2) Strobe Talbott for World Government The following article advocating World Federalism is by Strobe Talbott, deputy Secretary of State in Clinton's 1st and 2nd administrations.
Manchester Attack, Manchester School, Fabian One World - explains Labour Marxism, and why the media is liberal - A MUST READ. Manchester Attack. 2017 Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia. On 22 May 2017, 22-year-old British Muslim Salman Ramadan Abedi detonated a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb at the exit of Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, following a concert by American singer Ariana Grande.
Twenty-three adults and children were killed, including Abedi, and 250 were injured. After initial suspicions of a terrorist network, police later said they believe Abedi had largely acted alone, but that others had been aware of Abedi's plans. Attack[edit] On 22 May 2017 at 22:31 BST (UTC+01:00),[3] a suicide bomber detonated an improvised explosive device, packed with nuts and bolts to act as shrapnel, in the foyer area of the Manchester Arena. Operation Temperer - Masonic word, 'tempered wirh Wisdom'
Operation Temperer is a British government plan to deploy troops to support police officers in key locations following a major terrorist attack.
It was put into effect for the first time on 23 May 2017 following the bombing of an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena.[1] Background[edit] The plan provides for up to 5,100 soldiers to be deployed to "augment armed police officers engaged in protective security duties" at key sites in the United Kingdom.[1] According to government sources cited by the Daily Telegraph, it would only be triggered following a COBRA meeting. Manchester - Twitter launches worker bee emoji to honour victims - 'its a symbol'...Masonic, theyre bees who is the Queen - Isis.