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Fermes verticales

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Lumière artificielle et plantations hors-sol, les nouvelles méthodes des agriculteurs urbains | Forum Économique Mondial. La popularité de l’agriculture urbaine est plus ancienne qu’on ne le pense. Son émergence date du lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : dans un contexte de lourdes pénuries, elle s’affirmait alors comme un mode de subsistance privilégié pour les habitants des villes.

Au cours des décennies suivantes, des parcelles cédées à l’agriculture urbaine ont progressivement été récupérées pour le développement urbain. Aujourd’hui, et pour des raisons différentes d’autrefois notamment liées aux préoccupations environnementales, le secteur connaît un fort regain d’intérêt. Rôle social de l’activité urbaine En participant à un projet de recherche récent sur l’évolution des fermes urbaines en Europe, j’ai découvert que de nombreux projets innovants ont récemment émergé en matière de production de nourriture.

Particulièrement dans les pays historiquement marqués par ce mode d’agriculture. Recours à des technologies industrielles Des rendements supérieurs Outil pour les communautés locales. Mexique : des murs végétaux pour dépolluer la capitale. Depuis 2016, le projet "Via Verde" (voie verte en français) redécore les murs qui jalonnent l'une des autoroutes les plus fréquentées de Mexico. La ville est en train de végétaliser les pylônes et terre-pleins centraux le long des voies. L'objectif est de faire reculer la pollution de l'air dans la capitale. Ces "murs végétaux" sont composés de plantes qui filtrent les particules fines et produisent de l'oxygène.

Pour recouvrir le bitume, les graines sont cultivées dans une grande toile en tissu fabriquée à base de bouteilles en plastique recyclé, qui est ensuite fixée sur le mur. D'après l'architecte en charge du projet, Fernando Ortiz Monasterio, "sa densité spécifique permet aux racines des plantes de s'entrelacer dans la toile", précise-t-il à Brut. De plus, le système d'irrigation de ces murs végétaux est automatique et fonctionne à l'eau de pluie. À terme, l'objectif de Via Verde est de végétaliser plus de 60 000 mètres carrés, et d'habiller 1000 pylônes de verdure. Un potager sur le mur de ma cuisine. Pour produire de la nourriture pleine de vie dans une cuisine grande comme un mouchoir de poche, il existe désormais des solutions simples et efficaces.

Vous avez peut-être déjà testé les succulents pleurotes poussant sur du marc de café de La boîte à champignons ? Vous vous laisserez éventuellement tenter un jour par la spiruline fraiche de Alg and You. La start-up toulousaine innove en lançant auprès du grand public des cuves pour cultiver la spiruline chez soi et la consommer aussitôt. Cette algue microscopique — très recherchée pour sa richesse en protéines, fer, magnésium, vitamines et antioxydants — n’était jusque là disponible sur le marché qu’une fois séchée. Des alvéoles à micropousses De mon côté, je sais ce que je veux qu’on m’offre à Noël : un mur comestible de Ici Terre ! Les petites boites d’Ici Terre sont faites de plastique récupéré et fondu. Autonomie alimentaire.

Le potager est dans le parking. A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Europe's Huge New Vertical Farm. Urban Skyfarm — Aprilli. A Tower of Trees. It's a fact that trees can absorb CO2 from the air and mitigate the impact of air pollution, but in many large cities there simply isn't room for much green space. In Italy, during 2012, there were an estimated 84,000 pollution related deaths. Milan was, at one point, the most polluted city in Europe.

To combat the problem, designers of a pair of sky scraper apartment buildings engineered the terraces of the buildings to hold hundreds of trees. The pair of buildings, known as the Bosco Verticale (translated it means Vertical Forest), has large trees on all sides. Rather than just having a window box of flowers that look pretty, the Bosco Verticale trees are functional. They can reduce the amount of fine particulate matter floating around, almost sucking the pollution out of the air, making the city cleaner and the air easier on the lungs. IKEA Just Released Free Instructions For A Spectacular Sustainable Garden. This could possibly be the most amazing indoor gardening structure we’ve ever seen, and people all over the world are being encouraged to build one. Show Full Text Space10, a Danish design lab supported by IKEA, has officially open-sourced The Growroom, “an artistic exploration of the incredible potential of urban farming.”

The pavilion is ‘sliced’ to provide optimal light and water flow for the weeks worth of herbs and vegetables it’s capable of growing, but also to create a serene shelter for anyone who steps inside. The innovative structure was tailored by architects Mads-Ulrik Husum and Sine Lindholm, and is made with nothing more than plywood and screws. The best part? All of the building instructions are available completely free online, making The Growroom a practical and sustainable DIY project. More info: Space10 The Growroom, an indoor garden designed by Space10 and supported by IKEA, has officially been open-sourced Thanks for sharing!

IKEA Creates Free DIY Sustainable "Indoor Garden" For Urban Living. As giant companies go, IKEA is among the most environmentally friendly and eco-conscious. From its award-winning flatpack refugee shelter to plans to ditch polystyrene for biodegradable mushroom-based packaging, really Sweden, you’re making us jealous. Continuing its progressive agenda, Space10, an IKEA lab that explores sustainable solutions for future urban living, has designed “The Growroom” – a spherical, multi-tiered indoor garden designed to sustainably grow enough food to feed a neighborhood. Oh, and they made it open source, so the plans are free to download. “It is designed to support our everyday sense of well-being in the cities by creating a small oasis or 'pause' architecture in our high paced societal scenery and enables people to connect with nature as we smell and taste the abundance of herbs and plants,” Space10 say in the open source plan.

Right, let's get started. “Local food represents a serious alternative to the global food model. Inside the Growroom. 'Forest cities': the radical plan to save China from air pollution | Cities. When Stefano Boeri imagines the future of urban China he sees green, and lots of it. Office blocks, homes and hotels decked from top to toe in a verdant blaze of shrubbery and plant life; a breath of fresh air for metropolises that are choking on a toxic diet of fumes and dust. Last week, the Italian architect, famed for his tree-clad Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) skyscraper complex in Milan, unveiled plans for a similar project in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing.

The Chinese equivalent – Boeri’s first in Asia – will be composed of two neighbouring towers coated with 23 species of tree and more than 2,500 cascading shrubs. The structures will reportedly house offices, a 247-room luxury hotel, a museum and even a green architecture school, and are currently under construction, set for completion next year. But Boeri now has even bolder plans for China: to create entire “forest cities” in a country that has become synonymous with environmental degradation and smog. Did you Know You Can Have Fruit Trees Growing On Your Balcony?

Minarettes or Columnars are slender, columnar fruit trees which bear their fruits on short spurs along the length of a vertical stem rather than on long spreading branches. They are perfect for today's smaller gardens because they can be planted as close as 60-90cm (2-3ft) apart as well as being ideal for growing in tubs on patios or balconies. When mature, Columnars are 1.8-2.4m (6-8ft) tall and crop prolifically.

A large range of apples, pears, plums, gages, damsons and cherries are available as Minarettes. Urban fruit trees are hybrid species with vertical crowns, ideal for confined spaces of the city, namely balconies, terraces or gardens with small area. Besides the practical role that they have, these fruit trees have an aesthetic value, bringing a touch of vitality and energy to areas listed above. They are also a good option for curbs different alignments in courtyards or gardens which are more spacious. But let’s explore the types of columnar trees that you can find out there. La plus grande ferme verticale du monde ouvre cette année.

INTÉRIEUR. C’est un immense hangar du quartier Ironbound à Newark (New Jersey) où se succèdent à l’infini des étagères pleines de salades, roquettes et choux. Les plantes poussent à travers un fin tissu organique. Leurs racines reçoivent un brouillard d’engrais biologique et la lumière vient de LED. Bienvenue dans la plus grande ferme aéroponique du Monde. Le projet est porté par une des sociétés les plus anciennes de l’agriculture urbaine. La technique d’aéroponie consiste à nourrir les plantes en vaporisant eau et nutriments sur les racines et les feuilles. Cellule de production de salades en ferme verticale. © AeroFarms Une production maximum dans un minimum d'espace PROXIMITE. Vue générale d'une unité de production. © AeroFarms Le projet emprunte au concept de "ferme verticale" développée par Dickson Despommier, ex-professeur de l’Université de Columbia à New York. Vertical Gardening: The Key to a Lack of Floor Area.

For some of us that have a small backyard or have only a small space, vertical gardening is a great way to utilize all the square footage we have to grow food. Vertical gardening is another branch of the many faces of vegetable container gardening. The vertical vegetable garden layout is a particularly good idea if you do not have a large footprint area on the ground where you can grow things. Growing Upwards! Vertical growing is particularly suited to climbing plants such as runner beans, French beans, peas, squash, cucumbers and courgettes, melons and even marrows. Despite some of these crops being heavy, such as marrows and squashes, it’s still perfectly possible to grow them in a vertical garden.

The secret is building in the support structure strong enough to support the weight of the fruits. This can be done in many ways depending on the plants being grown. Communal Wall Method The structure can be moved to a position above the pots so they can all climb onto it from both sides.