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Lyd101. Age of Exploration Time Line. Timeline of European exploration. The following timeline covers European exploration from 1418 to 1957. The 15th century witnessed the rounding of the feared Cape Bojador and Portuguese exploration of the west coast of Africa, while in the last decade of the century the Spanish sent expeditions to the New World, focusing on exploring the Caribbean Sea, and the Portuguese discovered the sea route to India.

In the 16th century, various countries sent exploring parties into the interior of the Americas, as well as to their respective west and east coasts north to California and Labrador and south to Chile and Tierra del Fuego. Dmcdonough. Explorers Timeline. Sbezemes. Iadamma. Kitten23. Julanipearltrees. Christophermck. Sonetra981. Jaydnglassett. Early New World Explorers - FREE American History Lesson Plans & Games for Kids. Google. Felix109. Waddle around and meet new friends. Caylee0. Animal Jam - Meet friends, adopts pets, and play wild! Lianaludwig.