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Service Learning

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Authentic Service-Learning in Christian Schools | ACSI. You may think that Christian schools—whose missions can often be boiled down to “Serve God, Serve Others”—may be leading the way in implementing service-learning. However, in their new book, Bring It to Life: Christian Education and the Transformative Power of Service-Learning, authors Lynn Swaner and Roger Erdvig say that often the power of service-learning is unrealized in Christian schools. Instead, it’s more likely that Christian schools have been doing some service activities, instead of genuine service-learning.

Serving or Service-Learning—What’s the Difference? I am convinced that the phrase service-learning needs redemption—a basic reboot! If these kinds of activities—though potentially valuable for students, teachers, and the community—are not service-learning, then what is? They further suggest that the true purpose of service-learning is “to address real needs of the community partner” (bold emphasis mine).

The Promise of Service-Learning About the Author. Edify - Education Through Sustainable Christ-Centered Schools in the Developing World. Anne Arundel. What is the service-learning requirement? The Maryland State Department of Education requires each student to complete 75 hours of student service-learning which includes preparation, action, and reflection. Each county decides how to implement their service-learning program. Currently in Anne Arundel County, all service-learning hours are infused into classes from 5th through 11th grade.

What is service-learning? Service-learning is a teaching method that combines meaningful service to the community with curriculum-based learning. Students improve their academic skills by applying what they learn in school to real world issues; they then reflect on their experience to reinforce the link between their service and their learning. How does service-learning work? How is service-learning structured in Anne Arundel County Public Schools? Why is there a service-learning requirement? How is service-learning different from community service or volunteering? GCS Online. The vision of the Character Development Initiative is for the Guilford County Schools students' to lead and learn with strong character. One of the Strategic Plan’s goals is to provide our students with the tools and motivation necessary to positively impact our world. Thus, at Guilford County Schools, we offer the following awards to students who answer this challenge: Service-Learning Diploma Service-Learning Exemplary Award Service-Learning Diploma The Service-Learning Diploma is a locally developed official recognition program designed to recognize high school students who are committed to serving their community.

The first diplomas to honor students completing 250 hours of service-learning experiences will be granted at the 2014 commencement exercises. It is recommended that students distribute these hours over the course of the four years of their high school. For both Service-Learning Diploma and Service-Learning Exemplary Award. GenerationOn. Los Angeles Unified School District. Do Something.

EPICS High School : EPICS. Purdue University is the founding site and headquarters of the EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) program. Since EPICS was established in 1995, thousands of undergraduates have participated in university programs nationally and internationally delivering projects to local communities effecting countless lives. Since 2006 high school students have also been participating in EPICS completing innovative projects across the country. The EPICS High program continues to grow and give more students this amazing experience of working to design solutions that meet real needs in their communities. The motivation behind the EPICS High school program is to enable high school students to connect engineering and computing design with people and local community needs.

While interest in engineering has been declining, civic engagement among teenagers is near historic highs and many honors diplomas now require service. Learn & Serve America. Welcome to the National Coalition for Academic Service-Learning. National Service-Learning Clearinghouse | America’s Most Comprehensive Service-Learning Resource. Loans that change lives. What is Service-Learning? Successful service-learning projects are tied closely to specific learning objectives, and many of the best are tied to numerous areas of study. For example, when seventh- and eighth-graders studied the historical significance of a local river, they developed projects to build nature trails, test water samples, document contamination of the local habitat, and restore historical sites.

Their teachers connected those activities to their studies in earth science, mathematics, language arts, physical education, music, visual arts, and social studies. These connections not only expanded the impact projects had on learning, but also provided the young people with a deeper understanding of how different subjects are interrelated.

These connections can be made from two different directions: either by identifying specific learning goals and developing a project that meets them, or by identifying the project and then exploring the many ways it can be tied to curricula or learning objectives. What? National Civic Education Project (NCEP) Earth Day Network’s National Civic Education Project (NCEP) seeks to support teachers and their students from diverse schools across the country to combine civic and environmental education inside their classroom with hands-on learning experiences outside the classroom. These grants allow students and educators to collaborate and act on environmental projects within their local communities.

Earth Day Network strongly believes in creating personal responsibility for the environment among students around the world to promote a more democratically active citizenry. Working from the ground up, the NCEP empowers selected teachers and students to remedy specific environmental concerns in their communities with demonstrable outcomes and results. The studies of civic and environmental education are closely intertwined and this connection allows students to understand how their actions can influence the environmental health of their own communities. What is Service-Learning?