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How to run a better meeting (The conference series) You rarely have the chance to quickly alter the culture of a group the way you do when you organize a retreat or a meeting. So many of the variables are within your control, and the outcome is often directly related to the choices you make. Sure, there are pressures on you to compromise toward average, to fit in and to make the providers you work with fit the status quo.

But if you resist, you can make a huge difference. I’ve written four posts about off-sites, presentations and conferences. The secret of the five top How to organize a retreat How to organize the room How to run a (useless) conference. Maker vs. Manager: How Your Schedule Can Make or Break You. Consider the daily schedule of famed novelist Haruki Murakami. When he’s working on a novel, he starts his days at 4 am and writes for five or six continuous hours. Once the writing is done, he spends his afternoons running or swimming, and his evenings, reading or listening to music before a 9 pm bedtime. Murakami is known for his strict adherence to this schedule.

In contrast, consider the schedule of entrepreneur, speaker, and writer Gary Vaynerchuk. He describes his day (which begins at 6 am) as being broken into tiny slots, mostly comprising meetings which can be as short as three minutes. “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. . — Annie Dillard, The Writing Life The numerous articles we have all read about the schedules and routines of successful people like these often miss the point. Paul Graham of Y Combinator first described this concept in a 2009 essay.

What’s the Difference? Managers spend a lot of time “putting out fires” and doing reactive work. How to Create a Vision. The Leadership Strategy of Jesus. So much of the activity I see among leaders today is focused on reaching the masses. “Successful leaders” speak at big conferences, host popular television or radio shows, publish bestselling books, write successful blogs, or engage in social media. Sermon on the Mount by Cosimo Rosselli Simply put, their goal is breadth. They want to extend their influence to as many people as possible. Nothing wrong with that. His goal was not “reach” or popularity. On more than one occasion, after performing a jaw-dropping miracle, he told those who witnessed it, “Tell no one what you have seen” (see e.g., Matthew 8:4; 16:20; 17:9; Mark 7:36; 8:30; 9:9; Luke 5:14; and 8:56).

He was a publicist’s nightmare. Instead, Jesus focused on true depth and long-term impact. He led himself. Jesus’ leadership strategy evidently worked well. Within seven generations (318 A.D.), the emperor Constantine accepted his message and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Teacher Supervision

Growth Mindset. I am leading an initiative to help my school become a Growth Mindset school. I have written about this in the following posts: Many other posts refer to our growth mindset ethos and approach, and I have tagged them here: Growth Mindset Posts. You can read my article about Becoming a growth mindset school on page 2 of the SSAT journal here. Chew Valley School also has a teaching and learning blog charting our growth mindset journey. Growth Mindset is the brainchild of Carol Dweck. What is leadership? When I started this blog, I called it “Teaching: Leading Learning” because I believe the role of classroom teacher and school leader are closely connected.

In both cases, you have a group of people and you want to take them from one situation to another. You have to enact change. There are several ways you can accomplish this: Authoritarian: Classroom situation: I am the teacher. Last week I ran a twilight session for aspiring leaders in school, exploring the question “what is leadership?” Model #1: The Bus, or “who before where” (Jim Collins) Jim Collins advises leaders to start with “who” not “where” (source) Most people assume that great bus drivers (read: leaders) immediately start the journey by announcing to the people on the bus where they’re going—by setting a new direction or by articulating a fresh corporate vision.In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with “where” but with “who.”

Model #2: The Jungle Road, or “where before what” (Stephen Covey) 11 Great Leadership and Vision Quotes. 11 Great Leadership and Vision Quotes 1. “A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the organization, not as it is, but as it should be.” ~Jack Welch2. “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.”


Board & Governance. Canadian Association of Principals. Christian Educator Resources. Enrollment and Marketing Strategies for Schools | Enrollment Catalyst. Recent Webinars & Events. Resources | Triangle Associates. Resources ‹ Heads Up Educational ConsultingHeads Up Educational Consulting. The Principal Story Learning Guide. School leadership matters. During the past decade, there has been a growing recognition among educators and policymakers that school principals must be instructional leaders who ensure that high-quality teaching occurs in every classroom. This view is backed up by a solid body of evidence showing that leadership places second only to teaching among school-related influences on learning.

In culling lessons from 13 years of research that describes what effective principals do well, The Wallace Foundation has found they perform five key practices: Learning Forward has developed this web-based professional learning guide using excerpts from the award-winning PBS documentary film, The Principal Story, to illustrate the five practices. The guide is intended to help those who prepare and support aspiring and current principals probe these essential practices. Use this facilitator guide to explore options for using these tools. Watch excerpts from the film here and explore each practice below. What Works Clearinghouse. Business Cards | Create your customised business card online. The 2013 Leadership Handbook: How to Better Communicate. The Daily Handbook for Extreme Leaders. The Idea Village. 4pt0schools. Home « Keeping Pace. Start With Why. The Vancouver Symposium on Christian Education for the 21st Century.


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