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Chromebooks dominate K-12 purchases. Latest quarter reveals that Chromebooks took 51 percent of K-12 market sales Chromebook sales have surged in the U.S.

Chromebooks dominate K-12 purchases

K-12 education market, with the devices now making up 51 percent of sales for the first time, according to a new report from Futuresource Consulting. In the report, the consulting firm notes that the increase in Chromebook sales “has coincided with the need for districts to implement online assessment,” and that Chromebooks’ ease-of-use and traditionally low prices have helped increase sales. [6 reasons Chromebooks are the device of the moment] Despite the rapid sales growth in the U.S., sales across the rest of the globe are much slower. The “OS competition” is only going to heat up, analysts predict. “Chrome is the clear U.S. market leader now with over 50 percent of the K-12 OS market share, meaning Apple and Microsoft both have significant ground to make up. Mobile Learning. Elementary - LSR7 Chromebook Classroom. Don't Miss These Google Resources and Lesson Plans for Teaching Digital Citizenship.

September 25 , 2014Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum is a great resource from Google to help teachers educate their students on the importance of digital citizenship and the different ways and strategies to use to keep themselves safe while using the net.

Don't Miss These Google Resources and Lesson Plans for Teaching Digital Citizenship

This work is a fruit of a partnership between Google security team and experts from iKeepsafe and it provides some interesting lesson plans that teachers can use in their classrooms. Self publish a textbook with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Blended Learning in the Mix: The Informed Parent. Editor's Note: Jeremy Shorr, Director of Innovation and Educational Technology at Mentor (Ohio) Public Schools, is the co-author of this post.

Blended Learning in the Mix: The Informed Parent

If you know anyone in the education field, you may have heard lamentations about the cyclical nature with which the instructional strategies and programs from 20 years ago resurface under a new name. How Schools Are Making Mobile Learning Work. K–12 IT leaders map out the strategic planning and policies that make mobility feasible on their campuses.

How Schools Are Making Mobile Learning Work

When students walked into El Capitan High School for the first time last August, it wasn't just the start of a new school year. Their learning experience was about to change radically. The new $98 million campus in ­central California's Merced Union High School District was designed with mobile technology and digital ­content in mind. Wireless access points are installed in every classroom, and instead of textbooks, the school's ­inaugural freshman and sophomore classes were issued Samsung Chromebooks ; or, if they preferred, they could bring their own devices . For Education. You can find previous Acer Education Webinars and playback the complete session here. 2014 Webinars March—Chromebooks in Classrooms Length: 1 Hour Agenda: This presentation will focus on the Chromebook deployment experiences of Barbers Hill Independent School District in TX.

for Education

Katie Russell will share the planning strategy and implementation best practices utilized by their district. Speakers: Katie Russell Director of Technology, Barbers Hill ISD, Mont Belvieu, TX. TCEA: 44 classroom tools you can use right now. Advice to New Technology Coaches. Many schools will be receiving new technology in a few weeks, and they'll need a plan for supporting and coaching teachers through the process of using this new technology effectively in their classrooms.

Advice to New Technology Coaches

This week I received an email from a friend and fellow educator who was seeking ideas for a new technology coach position at her school this fall. Here are three pieces of advice I gave her. 1. Define the Coach's Schedule. 1-to-1 Essentials Program. New Tool Helps Teachers Find the Best Tech. Summer's here, which means it's time for holidays, beach days, cookouts, and camp.

New Tool Helps Teachers Find the Best Tech

But for many of the country's dedicated teachers, it's also time to start planning for the next school year. This week, thousands of teachers and administrators are in San Antonio, TX for the annual International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. Coming to a school near you: Google launches Android app store for education. Google already reaches millions of students through its Apps for Education classroom tools but, at its annual developer conference Wednesday, the tech giant said it’s making an even bigger push with Android.

Coming to a school near you: Google launches Android app store for education

Starting this fall, it plans to offer teachers across the country an education-focused Android app store, called Google Play for Education, which has been in pilot testing with various schools. “There’s a big part of all of our lives – and the lives of our kids – that mobile technology hasn’t touched. When I visit my kids’ classroom, it looks pretty much like it did when I went to school,” said Chris Yerga, an engineering director at Google.

Advice to New Technology Coaches. Farnsworth Laptop Expectations. Back to School with iPads: 5 Steps for the First 5 Days. Web 2.0 for the Under 13s crowd. Jul 05 As I lamented in my last post, many of the fabulous Web tools out there are restricted to users 13 and over.

Web 2.0 for the Under 13s crowd

This limits what Elementary/Primary schools students can access online to create content to collaborate. To save others at school some time, then, I have compiled a list of popular/well known Web tools that can and can’t be used by children under 13 – 1), so we are legally covered in what we are allowing our students to use and 2), so they know what is available. Abundant Learning: Four New Strategies for Connected Classrooms. GA SpectrumTable.pdf. Archived Events-RED Events. Implementation Webinar 10 TITLE: Financial Implications & Impact of Technology-transformed Schools DATE: June 12, 2013 Click here to download the presentation Click here to listen to the presentation Implementation Webinar 9 TITLE: Transformational School Leadership for the Digital Age DATE: May 15, 2013 Click here to download the presentation Click here to listen to the presentation Implementation Webinar 8 TITLE: Teaching and Learning in the 1:1 Environment DATE: April 17, 2013.

Archived Events-RED Events

Flipped learning. 1 to 1 Schools. The 7 Characteristics of Teachers Who Use Technology Effectively. I just came across this awesome graphic shared by our colleagues in teachthought and I found it really interesting. The graphic features 7 habits of the highly effective teachers using technology. Even though the habits mentioned are generic , they still reflect part of the digital behavior teacher should embrace when using technology in their class. What is really interesting in this graphic is that all of these 7 habits are also the same features we find in people with " growth mindset ". If you still remember the comparison we have made between growth and fixed mindsets and we said that teachers with the growth mindset are more open to embrace change, take risks, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as the path for mastery , and find lessons and inspiration in the success of others.

Without any further ado, I ll let you go through these 7 habits and don't forget to let us know what you think of them. Paperlessprogramreview - home. The Mobile Native. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. How To Use Mobile Technology for Engaging & Successful Learning & T... Systemic Improvement Using Netbooks – Part 1 of 2. Fort Smith Public Schools in Fort Smith, AR, implemented a 1:1 program with netbooks in several junior high and high school classrooms to create a more student-centered and project-based focus. Spearheaded by the district’s Professional Development Center, emphasis was first placed on changing the pedagogical paradigm. In this first of two parts, professional development director, Dr. Kathleen Cates, discusses the intensive professional development program, teachers share how the netbooks (mini laptops) encourage student engagement, and you will see students learning at their own pace.

Resources to follow-up: eBookEffectiveMobileLearning. SIGML. Backchannel, chat, stickynotes, meeting tools - New Tools. Untitled Prezi by Jenna Gray on Prezi. Mobile Devices for Learning: What You Need to Know.