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The Greatest Horror Movies You Haven’t Seen. As Halloween approaches, you’ll be inundated with more spooky stories and fiendish films than you can possibly consume before October 31. However, if you’re looking for a creepy movie to curl up with that doesn’t star a madman named Freddy, Jason, or Michael, we have a solution. These underrated, under-seen, and unusual horror films offer something scary that strays from the norm. You’ll still find supernatural terror, psychopathic killers, and ghastly creatures in our slate of 15, but these original, beautifully photographed stories are refreshingly different from the usual Halloween fare. Session 9 This indie effort from Brad Anderson, who went on to direct episodes for Boardwalk Empire and The Killing, is one of the more underappreciated horror films of the past few decades.

Oozing atmosphere, the film is utterly chilling, thanks in no small part to the setting — an abandoned mental institution where an asbestos cleaning crew uncovers the dark secrets of the building’s past. - StumbleUpon. Top 100: Great Movies Every Guy Must See. Guy movies look and feel a certain kind of way. Revenge, action, comedy, and yes, even a little romance, is what it takes to please us.

We’re not even above embracing a kids’ movie once in a while. The qualities that we look for vary. Sometimes we want mindless action and heavy fireworks. Sometimes we want down and dirty combat, whether on the streets of a city or the beaches of Normandy. Other times we want things that appeal to who we are and what goes on inside of us as we get older and grow further away from what it was we wanted out of life as children. 100. Logline: A young man seeks revenge for his father’s death in the streets of Civil War-Era New York. Memorable Moments: There would be a giant hole in cinema without Daniel Day-Lewis. Why Guys Dig It: Scorsese+Day-Lewis=Movie Heaven! Buy the Movie 99. Logline: After losing his hand and his family in an attack upon returning home from Vietnam, a veteran and his hook cut a swath of destruction through the people responsible. 98. 97.

Browse Documentaries. Top 10 Truly Disturbing Horror Films. I have watched thousands of movies throughout my life and I am one of those folks who enjoys films from every single genre but in particular films that leave their mark on me long after I turn them off.Worth noting I am not a journalist, I am just an average joe who loves film and happens to write about it. So my views ( bad grammer included ) are very much those of an average film fan just like most of you reading this.That said as much as I am not a writer or critic I do own well over 1,000 horror films and think I know the genre well. Dead Girl:Last on my list is Dead Girl but that by no means puts it at the bottom. Ms.