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How to make your friends like you. 5 Ways to Improve Cats. #2.

5 Ways to Improve Cats

Equip Cats With Real-Time Video Cats naturally perch and observe. It all goes back to their hunting behavior in the wild. The higher a cat climbs, the more territory it can observe, and the better chance it has of spying something it can hunt. So even in your home, a cat looks for optimal places from which to sit and watch, such as a tall bookshelf or the top of your head. GettyThis is a living, pooping security system. Equipped with a video camera, your cat can effectively spy on roommates whom you believe might be guilty of eating your Bugles or napping in your bed, which you totally know they're doing. 25 Ways To Cuten Up a Box With a Cat. Cats are cute.

25 Ways To Cuten Up a Box With a Cat

Cats in boxes are even cuter. Cats are aware of this fact, and they make the most of it. Here are some notes from an unknown cat on 'cute sleeping in boxes' to make the owner "awwh". Pictures included. A Cats Christmas. ( 2nd page added!

A Cats Christmas

Be sure to check it out AFTER this one More laughs and new great photos - link near bottom of page or click) Your instructors, Iris and Fern will demonstrate how to assemble and decorate a Christmas tree. A special thank-you to our talented girls for their expertise. Now an update ... Please ensure a safe season for your pets. Have fun - but play safe! Jaz chewing a treat, Iris checking her stocking, Fern on a nip high. We LOVE Christmas Day - Presents! Our 19 year old tree goes thru different looks, colours and ornaments. Poor Stupid Cat.

This is my cat. Her name is Lola, and she's not all there. When Lola was a kitten, she somehow got outside and drank antifreeze. She was never quite right after that. I decided to keep her indoors until she was an adult, because I didn't trust her to take care of herself outside. A couple years later, I decided to see if I could expand her horizons beyond the confines of my house. That was the last time I let her outdoors. Like a lot of cats, Lola liked to sleep in the sink. As time progressed, Lola developed a sort of guard dog mentality, growling quietly at company and stalking them as they moved from room to room. 6 Adorable Cat Behaviors With Shockingly Evil Explanations. Imitating Snakes to Intimidate You Anyone who has ever witnessed a visceral deathmatch between two angry cats is intimately aware of the blood curdling noises the cute little animals are able to create.

6 Adorable Cat Behaviors With Shockingly Evil Explanations

Besides the demonically drawn out "Mrrrroww" that emanates from the very bowels of Hell itself, when a cat feels threatened, they always turn to the tried and true hiss. Lots of animals make this noise when in the throes of battle, but why? Why is a sudden rush of moist air from such a small creature so frightening to other creatures that cats use it time and time again? It turns out that when a cat pushes its ears down, bares its fangs, squints its slivered eyes and hisses, it closely resembles another animal that is naturally feared and avoided by most predators: the snake. Cooobraaaa!!

Cats, like many other animals, from butterflies to birds, instinctively employ the art of mimicry in order to best defend themselves from attack. The Sand Cat – Desert Cat Extraordinaire. Don’t be fooled by the off the scale cuteness quotient.

The Sand Cat – Desert Cat Extraordinaire

This is the Sand Cat – or Felis margarita, a little known species of desert cat. In the wild it lives in areas that are too hot and dry for any other cat- the deserts of Africa and Asia, including the Sahara. It is the only desert species of cat known to us. As such, this cat is one tough cookie. It also lives in the Arabian desert and those of Iran and Pakistan, yet despite being so widespread it was not described by a European until 1858. Original.jpg (JPEG Image, 1082 × 1658 pixels) Carl Jung - Collective Unconscious. Concept of Collective Unconscious at Jung Jung concept of collective unconscious is based on his experiences with schizophrenic persons since he worked in the Burgholzli psychiatric hospital.

Carl Jung - Collective Unconscious

Though initially Jung followed the Freudian theory of unconscious as the psychic strata formed by repressed wishes, he later developed his own theory on the unconscious to include some new concepts. The most important of them is the archetype. Archetypes constitute the structure of the collective unconscious - they are psychic innate dispositions to experience and represent basic human behavior and situations. Thus mother-child relationship is governed by the mother archetype. The most important of all is the Self, which is the archetype of the Center of the psychic person, his/her totality or wholeness. Archetypes manifest themselves through archetypal images (in all the cultures and religious doctrines), in dreams and visions. Jung about the Collective Unconscious More Resources. 25 Ways 2 Make Money 4 Teens. The Easter Island “Heads” Have Bodies.

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