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Comment réussir son brainstorming ? ALTI Innovation aide ses clients à stimuler leur Innovation en proposant des démarches originales parfaitement adaptées à chaque contexte....

Comment réussir son brainstorming ?

ALTI Innovation aide ses clients à stimuler leur Innovation en proposant des démarches originales parfaitement adaptées à chaque contexte. L’un des outil que nous utilisons régulièrement est le Brainstorming. Pratique souvent utilisée, mais souvent galvaudée et dévoyée. Sept trucs pour pour réussir une séance de brainstorming. Le brainstorming est une méthode de créativité qui permet de trouver en groupe des solutions nouvelles et pertinentes à une question posée.

Sept trucs pour pour réussir une séance de brainstorming

Des idées peuvent naître sur des sujets très variés : créer un nouveau produit, imaginer un concept ou un slogan, lancer une campagne publicitaire, organiser la fête du siècle... Cette technique repose sur le postulat : ensemble, nous sommes plus forts ! Mieux vaut réfléchir à dix plutôt que seul dans son coin. Une journée laisse assez de temps pour faire décanter les idées. 1. Brainstorming : la créativité de groupe en question. Nous avons fréquemment mentionné Jonah Lehrer dans nos colonnes.

Brainstorming : la créativité de groupe en question

Ce jeune neuroscientifique, blogueur et écrivain, a le don pour éclairer les sujets souvent complexes de la cognition de manière claire et originale. Dans un récent article pour le New-Yorker, il s’est penché sur le phénomène de l’intelligence collective, et notamment sa forme la plus ancienne et la plus commune, le « brainstorming ». Brainstorming Doesn't Work; Try This Technique Instead. Evan Rosenbaum was 2 years old when his father brought home the Power Macintosh 7100.

Brainstorming Doesn't Work; Try This Technique Instead

This was 1994, and the 7100, a new personal computer from Apple, was a hefty gray console, hardly anything to look at. (It would be three years before Steve Jobs fatefully met the designer Jony Ive.) Nevertheless, the computer was cutting edge at the time, and Rosenbaum’s father, Howard, an accountant with entrepreneurial aspirations, unboxed it with delight. He installed it in the wood-paneled den overlooking the backyard of his Long Island home. Brainstorming Alone is Better. Imagine you just landed a client who is seeking your guidance in producing a launch party for a new product.

Brainstorming Alone is Better

They are trusting that you and your team to take full creative control. You gather your team, break out the coffee and snacks, and let the brainstorming begin. Twenty minutes later, they’re talking circus animals and fog machines; you are convinced this will be the party of the year. Hold up. “Don’t we have any other ideas?” Sometimes working in a group is not the best approach. Fix Your Next Brainstorm Session. When is the last time you walked into a team meeting, stood at the whiteboard and asked for your team to brainstorm a solution to a business problem—and got blank stares?

Fix Your Next Brainstorm Session

Forcing creativity in the moment might sounds like a good idea, but it doesn’t always lead to productive conversations (especially if your team has already spent an hour in the conference room). Here are 12 ideas for making your next brainstorm session less painful from some of our council members: Get the Right People Oftentimes finding a solution is easy once the problem has been identified precisely. Make sure you get a 360 degree view of an issue by inviting on-the-ground operations, customer service, and sales staff into management meetings. Start Smiling All of our meetings start with a focus on personal and professional wins. Use Post-It Notes The key to a successful brainstorm is getting people to feel comfortable sharing ideas, even half-baked ones. Reverse Brainstorming. A Different Approach to Brainstorming © iStockphoto/Diva_Nir4a Reverse brainstorming helps you solve problems by combining brainstorming and reversal techniques.

Reverse Brainstorming

By combining these, you can extend your use of brainstorming to draw out even more creative ideas. To use this technique, you start with one of two "reverse" questions: Instead of asking, "How do I solve or prevent this problem? " Instead of asking "How do I achieve these results? " How to Use the Tool Clearly identify the problem or challenge, and write it down.Reverse the problem or challenge by asking, "How could I possibly cause the problem? " Tip: GoogleStorming. Here is one of the easiest and quickest problem-solving technique that anybody can do - GoogleStorming.


It is a variation on Brainstorming, but you use Google instead of a team of people, to brainstorm some ideas. The idea of it seems to have been developed by Joyce Wycoff in an article for the Innovation Network - a copy of the article can be found here - (see page 6). Wycoff writes: "You're sitting at your desk chewing on something that has been troubling you for weeks. Odorstorming. Bodystorming. Brainstorming Reloaded. · Why brainstorming is ineffective and how to fix it.

Brainstorming Reloaded

Brainstorming was once thought a fantastic way for groups to generate new ideas. Although not as fashionable as it once was, brainstorming is still frequently used in business and, often inadvertently, for all sorts of personal decisions; people happily brainstorm for holiday destinations, restaurants and even new careers. Brainstorming certainly looks like a great way of dealing with some of the problems associated with decision-making and creativity in groups, such as groupthink and people’s failure to share information effectively.

By suspending evaluation, encouraging a relaxed atmosphere and quantity over quality, the brainstorming session is supposed to foster creativity. But now we know that brainstorming doesn’t actually work that well. So if groups need to generate new ideas, new connections between old ideas and new ways of seeing the world, how should they proceed? Brainstorming. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
