Appjetty is a software products store specializing in extensions and plugins for a host of software platforms like Magento, WordPress, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, Odoo, Dynamics CRM, etc. Formerly known as Biztech Store, Appjetty is a trusted name in the world of open plugins and extensions.
How to Lead Your Field Sales Team While Working from Home. Sales Territory Management Best Practices and More: A Guide. How Dynamics 365 Maps can Help Computer Software Industry. Competition is cut-throat in every industry and the computer software industry is no different.
From pre-sale to installing, from troubleshooting to regular maintenance visits, streamlined management of your sales activities is the key to closing new deals and expanding your customer base. How to Manage and Track Activities from Dynamics 365 Mapping Tool. Managing the appointments and the task for the Sales Reps & Service Executives is always challenging.
Being a Field Sales Manager knowing when and where your team members are going to meet the customers is crucial to achieving your sales targets. So, in this blog, we are going to demonstrate how your sales reps and executives can manage their meetings and how you as a manager can keep track of all their activities from Dynamics CRM. For this, you will need to integrate a Dynamics 365 mapping tool with features like check-in, check-out, heat map visualization, territory management, etc. You can browse around MS AppSource to find the right tool that suits your need but for demonstration purposes, we’ve taken Quick Maps in this article.
7 Best Customer Experience Survey Practices You Have to Follow! Crafting truly effective Customer Experience Surveys are tricky.
Our number one effort always lies around trying to respect customers by not bombarding them with surveys and gather the feedback in as few questions as possible. But do you really get the desired results every time? Hence, here are the 7 things you have to keep in mind while building and distributing customer experience surveys. 7 Customer Experience Survey Best Practices Be clear about the questions. How to Get Shortest Routes using Dynamics CRM Map Integration. What will you say to the idea of saving and earning money at the same time?
Seems impossible, right? But it is not! The number one pain point of any company having an on-field sales team is the amount of money and time that is lost because of sales reps not knowing the short routes or the traffic status. This all can be resolved with a single feature: Shortest path first. How to Set Navigation App on User Level from Dynamics Mapping Tool. Dynamics CRM has Bing Maps integrated by default.
TapCRM: Making Field Force Management Hassle-Free. With modernized approaches to purchase and support, certain businesses never actually see their customers.
Scita: A Simply Versatile Odoo Theme. Post-Purchase Survey: Must-include Questions to Make it Engaging. Unlike brick-and-mortar store owners, online retailers don’t have the ‘luxury’ to meet customers in person and collect their feedback.
Generally, they have customer support, emails, online chats, etc. to collect their customers’ feedback. Keep Your Delivery Operations Streamlined amid COVID-19. Ever wondered that a small virus invisible to naked eyes could wreath havoc beyond bounds?
Yupp, you guessed it right - the Novel Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19. At first sight, anyone would only say this - the virus has disrupted lives. And nobody can deny that! Though this pandemic has positive sides too - improved air quality, reduced noise pollution, healing environment, one can’t ignore its widespread impact. Online businesses too are facing the brunt. Mobile CRM: The Logistical Helping Hand In A Hospital. COVID-19 is a storm that has hit every possible industry there is.
Be it manufacturing, automobile, agriculture, service, IT, and more. Some it has hit hard, and some a little less. The industry that is working the hardest and has the most difficult job is the medical industry. How to Use Surveys amid the COVID-19 Crisis. TapCRM - Mobile App for SuiteCRM. Creating Server Actions in Odoo 13. Server actions like creating a record, executing several actions, etc. can enable customers to meet their requirements in Odoo 13.
So, let’s understand this functionality in detail and how to use various parameters in server actions accordingly. How to use Survey Reporting to Drive Action in ... It’s official: we are living in a world where data is the most expensive resource*. The idea that data is the new oil may just be the secret mantra of the tech giants who are growing bigger. Their approach and perception of data is not unique but the collection, analysis, and use is unique.
A few years back, Apple established a research group called ‘Apple Customer Pulse’ where they reached out to a select few Apple product owners. Now WhatsApp Your Surveys With SurveyRocket! A well-crafted survey has the potential to provide insights into how your customers interact with your industry, product, or service and enable you to improve your offerings further. However, for ANY business, the direction of distributing the Survey is very important. Otherwise, it won’t do any good if sent to the wrong audience, or at the wrong time. When employing the Survey Distribution Methods, Survey Rocket Team identified that sending surveys via WhatsApp could get you a better response. And that’s not us alone, data speaks itself. - WhatsApp had 450 million daily active users in Q2 2018. - On average, 1 million people register on WhatsApp daily. - WhatsApp has 300 million daily active users worldwide.
The 2-Step Plan to Transform Your Survey Strategy. Unfortunately, people talk about their bad shopping experiences more than they’ll praise the good ones. According to Oracle's Customer Experience Impact Report, only 1% of consumers feel that vendors consistently meet their expectations. This statistic highlights the great opportunity before us. 4 Ways to Immediately Enhance Your SuiteCRM. Many organizations today employ a CRM system for the purpose of understanding customers better. However, not all of them realize its true potential and sometimes fail to make the most of it. Attention Estore Owners - Time to Manage Inventory on the Go. Every online retail store has got a tedious task to deal with - inventory management. Color Code Your Dynamics Calendar and Declutter Your Life! 5 Effective Online Survey Distribution Methods.