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Sweet things

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Popsicles! Not to sound full of myself, but I’m pretty sure this is the be all, end all of popsicle roundups.


There’s a little something for everyone: the foodies, the purists, the ones who prefer frozen yogurt, the ones who prefer a little alcohol, everyone. Tweny-five options to be exact. The post I did last summer on the cold guys was one of DC’s most viewed ever, so I thought you’d all be up for another round – was I right? Click on the photo to be taken to the recipe. Twix Cheesecakes.

5 Ingredients or Less: Frozen Yogurt. Dana's Peach Frozen Yogurt Tart yogurt shops like Pinkberry and Red Mango are in fashion this summer, but you won’t believe how easy it is to make your own in-style fro yo.

5 Ingredients or Less: Frozen Yogurt

Try our recipe for a seasonal favorite — smooth and silky peaches and cream. Chai Cookies « Angry Cherry.