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Math and Inquiry: The Importance of Letting Students Stumble. A Science Leadership Academy sophomore puts the finishing touches on a geometry project during her lunch period. For subjects like math and foreign language, which are traditionally taught in a linear and highly structured context, using more open-ended inquiry-based models can be challenging. Teachers of these subjects may find it hard to break out of linear teaching style because the assumption is that students can’t move to more complicated skills before mastering basic ones. But inquiry learning is based on the premise that, with a little bit of structure and guidance, teachers can support students to ask questions that lead them to learn those same important skills — in ways that are meaningful to them. This model, however, can be especially hard to follow in public school classrooms tied to pre-set curricula.

“As much as we can say it’s okay for students to fail within the class, if they don’t pass the test at the end of the year, it’s suddenly not okay.” Related. LCM and GCF Foldable | tothesquareinch. With my 6th and 7th grade students, I find that when I teach Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor, the kids “get it” so quickly in isolation. When they are taking a test or quiz, undoubtably at least 1/2 the class confuses the two. Before I gave my 7th graders a test last week, we made these 2 door foldables. Each table was given a set of numbers. They had to find the GCF and LCM of the sets. Students then shared with the other groups in the class. Click on the picture below for the GCF and LCM foldable. Don’t teach GCF and LCM? Enjoy! ☼Kate Like this: Like Loading... Dynamic Paper. The Math Dude. Signup | TenMarks.

Common Core Middle Grades Math. Math Poems, Math Songs, Math Stories, Home. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Cool Math 4 Kids Lessons, Games, Activities - free online cool math lessons, cool math games, fun math activities, math flash cards to print, calculators and more! - World of Math Online.