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B2B Social Media Resources for B2B Marketers. 4 Social Media Tools to Improve Your Social Media Marketing. Are you struggling with day-to-day social media marketing tasks? Are you looking for tools to speed up your social tasks? In this article, I’ll share four social media tools and tips to help community managers save time, show creativity and streamline community management for their companies. Why Social Media Tools Community managers for organizations of all sizes are tasked to cover everything from curating content to creating it. The sheer volume of tasks can be overwhelming. Keep reading for four social media tools that will make your social media tasks much easier. #1: Manage the Appearance of Links to Your Website With Facebook Debugger We all know Facebook updates that include pictures and snippets of their content do unbelievably better than ones that publish bare links. Has this ever happened to you? If Facebook has trouble finding an image to include with your link, the preview can take a long time to show up.

This link leads to a page that hasn’t been debugged. Here’s how it works. Free Funny ecards & Greeting Cards - Create and send your own funny Rotten ecards. 29 Social Media Tools Recommended by the Pros. Are you looking for ways to enhance your social media marketing? Do you want new tools to simplify your job? We asked a group of social media pros for the hottest social media tools they use today. Check them out to see if these social media tools are a good fit for you! #1: RivalIQ Jay Baer Figuring out precisely what works in social media is a tricky (yet entirely necessary) proposition. I’m always seeking to improve clicks, shares and social media engagement on my own content as well as our Convince and Convert clients’ content.

Recently, I started using RivalIQ to get at what’s working in social, and this easy-to-use, reasonably priced analysis platform produces a steady stream of insights while saving me a ton of time. Here, I set up a collection of consumer products companies (RivalIQ calls them a “landscape”) for a strategic plan we’re building. RivalIQ provides competitive intelligence.

Today, as the industry matures, social media is less about colonization, and more about optimization. A Scientific Guide To Writing Popular--And Shareable--Headlines For Twitter, Facebook, And Your Blog. Ever since we started Buffer a little more than two years ago, people have been asking us about one very specific question: How can I write great headlines for social networks and my blog? The topic is a very tricky one as the accuracy for what works best is hard to nail down. While we have some specific techniques that we are using for our own postings and headlines every day, I thought looking at the most cutting-edge research is definitely required. So I decided to look at all the research we’ve done for the Buffer social accounts and our blog as well as the best research out there and combine this research into one comprehensive guide. Without further ado, here is a scientific guide to great headline writing on Twitter, Facebook, and your blog: Finding the right headline for your tweet is one of the most important things to do, especially since Twitter only allows for text display.

Test it yourself. For Twitter, we’ve experimented with A/B testing the right headline. First tweet: Facebook Contests And Social Media Promotions - Binkd. 8 Tips For Creating Effective Calls To Action (With Real Examples) There’s not much point in creating content if it has no objective. Just because you need to avoid the hard-sell (otherwise you’re just writing sales copy to be frank), you still want your content to produce results. For the different objectives that you have, you will need unique conclusions that not only sum up your content, but cause your visitors to take action – whether by sharing your content on social media, commenting on it, or purchasing your product or service. These are your calls to action (CTA), and you will need them if you expect your content marketing strategy to produce results. It’s easy to get bogged down in using the same or slightly varied CTA’s which do not inspire your visitors. Below are 8 tips to help you avoid this, with some great examples of calls to action that work. 1.

Without your goal in mind, it’s easy to pluck out a generic call to action which is unlikely to produce the results you want. 2. 3. To inspire action, you need to be inspiring. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Standard for Influence.

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