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Rich Sander

rich is just a guy in SB, learning to love and love well.

The Bible… Am. Scramble With Friends Free for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store. All sizes | Florence from the Dome. I lost 111 lbs in the last 12 months. Anyone can do this - you can do this. : Fitness.


Forgiveness.jpg (JPEG Image, 557x720 pixels) Miniblog #63: Christopher Hitchens on Friendship « Musings of a Hard-Lining Moderate. Reddit. A word on Family Crests... : tattoos. Hey /r/Christianity - what other subreddits do you hang out in? : Christianity. Do we need to liberate Jesus from 'white hegemonic masculinity?' - The Institute.

Michael Kimmel notes: Typically, each nation constructs a model of masculinity against which each man measures himself. This hegemonic image of manhood is constructed often through articulation of differences with a variety of "others"-- racial or sexual minorities, and, of course, women. The hegemonic definition of masculinity is "constructed in relation to various subordinated masculinities as well as in relation to women," writes sociologist R. W. Connell (1987, p. 183). As the sociologist Erving Goffman (1963, p. 128) once wrote, In an important sense there is only one complete unblushing male in America: a young, married, white, urban, northern, heterosexual, Protestant, father, of college education, fully employed, of good complexion, weight, and height, and a recent record in sports. . .

Have evangelicals made Jesus into the archetypal American man? (1) white (2) married (3) Protestant (4) a father (5) college educated (6) employed as a busy worker (7) physically strong Thoughts? Bar golf. Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends - Porn Documentary 01/04. A new kind of computer: Chromebook. (Cross-posted on the Code and Chrome Blogs) A little less than two years ago we set out to make computers much better. Today, we’re announcing the first Chromebooks from our partners, Samsung and Acer. These are not typical notebooks. With a Chromebook you won’t wait minutes for your computer to boot and browser to start. You’ll be reading your email in seconds. Thanks to automatic updates the software on your Chromebook will get faster over time. Your apps, games, photos, music, movies and documents will be accessible wherever you are and you won't need to worry about losing your computer or forgetting to back up files.

At the core of each Chromebook is the Chrome web browser. Chromebooks will be available online June 15 in the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Spain. Even with dedicated IT departments, businesses and schools struggle with the same complex, costly and insecure computers as the rest of us. There are over 160 million active users of Chrome today. Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Mind - Flavour and Personality test. mQlKY.jpg (JPEG Image, 1016x2968 pixels) ZbbBh.jpg (JPEG Image, 1920x1200 pixels) - Scaled (78. I8HrK.jpg (JPEG Image, 2592x1944 pixels) - Scaled (48.

Laphroaig Cask Strength. Am. Critics of Rob Bell: What About N.T. Wright | Pastors in Process. I am not an expert. The Master’s degree program I completed was the shortest one offered. In undergrad I got a C in New Testament Greek. I stand by my review of Love Wins but I have to acknowledge that others who I respect and are much smarter than I have expressed concerns about the book. Even though I consider myself a fairly avid reader I realize that I tend to agree with whoever I happen to be reading at the time. In reading Rob Bell’s book it was obvious that he had been influenced by the work of N.T. Wright. With the amount of criticism that Bell has received I am surprised I haven’t seen Wright attacked more.

I appreciate that this community has a broad theological spectrum. Swords for Crosses. The relationship between the church and the nation state is no new discussion. Certainly it is something that is engrained within the very fabric of our society. Whether it is on the news, at the water cooler, or via bumper-stickers, we don’t have to search very hard to listen in on discourse concerning church and state. Phrases like, “God Bless America”, “One nation under God”, and others have many people convinced that we live in a Christian nation. In fact, several organizations and individuals devote much of their time attempting to “take America back for God”. What this means to folks can range from returning prayer to public school to forcefully ousting immigrants off of “American” soil. First off, we should probably consider who exactly Jesus was as a living person.

Flash forward 2000 years and it is not hard to see the similarities between the Roman Empire and the United States. The sword and the cross stand for two radically different things. Rob Bell is Not a Litmus Test (a surprisingly good article on this whole controversy from Christianity Today) : Christianity. Rob Bell Is Not a Litmus Test. I've had a number of conversations lately where, not surprisingly, the topic shifts to Rob Bell's Love Wins. That's when a strange dynamic creeps into some conversations. If the person with whom I'm talking has read my review of the book, or knows I had some critical things to say, he's naturally hesitant to openly praise the book.

The usual first move at that point is to say, "I don't agree with everything in the book, but …" And what follows is hardly unalloyed enthusiasm. It's usually a qualified, almost worried appreciation for this part or that. It's as if some people feel guilty for liking the book. Perhaps people who really like the book don't even bother to talk to me, but I suspect something else is going on. That something else is related to what a Christian journalist friend told me: She feels she has to carefully craft anything she writes about Bell, lest she be suspected of really liking him—or disliking him. As far as this phenomenon is true, it is silly. SoulWork Dr. 4 Reasons Why “Conservative” is a Generally Unhelpful Theological Word (And Liberal Is Too) : Christianity.

4 Reasons Why “Conservative” is a Generally Unhelpful Theological Word (And Liberal Is Too) | Live Generously. What would Jesus Christ have named his followers? (Beyond the apostles.) Jews? God's elect? Scholarly (but also opinionated) answers appreciated, in Aramaic, Greek, English, etc. Please justify. : Christianity. Christianity. e2Xck.jpg (JPEG Image, 1936x2592 pixels) - Scaled (36. What real world psychology / human behavior "tricks" have you learned? Please share your tricks and story : AskReddit. What if your profession's most interesting fact or secret? : AskReddit. Why We Get Fat. Of all the dangerous ideas that health officials could have embraced while trying to understand why we get fat, they would have been hard-pressed to find one ultimately more damaging than calories-in/calories-out.

That it reinforces what appears to be so obvious—obesity as the penalty for gluttony and sloth—is what makes it so alluring. But it’s misleading and misconceived on so many levels that it’s hard to imagine how it survived unscathed and virtually unchallenged for the last fifty years.It has done incalculable harm. Not only is this thinking at least partly responsible for the ever-growing numbers of obese and overweight in the world—while directing attention away from the real reasons we get fat—but it has served to reinforce the perception that those who are fat have no one to blame but themselves.

There are known knowns. Mr. It ain’t so much the things we don’t know that get us into trouble. Why is the calories in vs calories out notion so meaningless? Me: Oh, really? Why We Get Fat - a post for the n00bz who are looking for some education. knowledge is your best weapon so read up!! (repost from /r/fitness) : loseit. 8l2S7.png (PNG Image, 500x400 pixels) The Best Advice For New Writers. Dragon flag - (Private Browsing)

Art of Bent Objects | Bane Planet - (Private Browsing) Red Hat Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - (Private Browsing) Members wearing red hats. The Red Hat Society (RHS) is a social organization originally founded in 1998 in the United States for women age 50 and beyond, but now open to women of all ages. As of 2011, there were over 40,000 chapters in the United States and 30 other countries.[1] History[edit] The founder of the Society is artist Sue Ellen Cooper, who lives in Fullerton, Orange County, California. In 1997, Cooper gave a friend a 55th birthday gift consisting of a red bowler purchased at an antique store along with a copy of Jenny Joseph's poem "Warning". The opening lines of the poem read: After spreading by word of mouth, the Society first received national publicity in 2000 through the magazine Romantic Homes[2] and a feature in The Orange County Register.[3] Cooper then established a "Hatquarters" to field the hundreds of e-mail requests for help starting chapters.

Organization[edit] Neva Morris, at age 110, wearing the hat presented to her by the Red Hat Society in October 2005. 7. This is a real App. This is real acting. I think. : videos. Greek dance zeibekiko. Non-American Redditors, what are some things you LIKE about Americans? : AskReddit. Have you ever been in a situation where you were telling the truth, but no one believed you because it seemed so contrived? : AskReddit. Osama bin Laden. Training the Obese Beginner. So it’s come to my knowledge (based primarily on my Facebook feed) that the Biggest Loser actually concluded this week (with everyone up in arm’s over the relatively anorexic qualities of the winner). And while I’d love to claim that I was intending to run the previous Biggest Loser Feedback to synch with that that’s simply not the case; I don’t have TV and genuinely didn’t know. So call it a happy coincidence. In any case, following up on that piece, I now want to rerun a 6-part series I wrote a few years back on how I think training the obese beginner should be approached.

I’ll be running it over the next few weeks, two pieces each week, once again culminating in a brand new video/rant/blog thingie at the end of the month. I’ve done a bit of tidying up and re-writing, just to smooth out the rougher spots. Today, what I actually want to do is expand on a comment I made in Fasted Cardio and Fat Loss – Q&A which was this: What Defines Obese? Insulin Resistance/Syndrome X: Part 1. The Ketogenic Diet by Lyle McDonald. The Ketogenic Diet A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner First Edition Softback Number of Pages: 323 Show me my purchase options About the Book Very low-carbohydrate (aka ketogenic) diets such as The Atkins Diet, Protein Power and The South Beach Diet have come and gone repeatedly over the years and there is currently great research and real-world interest in their effects.

Folks who are pro-low-carbohydrate diets tend to present them as the quick and easy solution to everything including obesity. At the other extreme are the anti-low-carbohydrate folks who tend to present low-carbohydrate diets as nothing short of a nutritional disaster being perpetrated by a bunch of con men. The truth, of course lies somewhere in the middle. The Ketogenic Diet is the first and only book to objectively examine in-depth the scientific evidence regarding low-carbohydrate/ketogenic diets.

Of course, none of the above is useful without practical application guidelines. Table of contents 1. 3. 8. 13. Exercise and Weight/Fat Loss: Part 1. I think it was last year some time that Time magazine ran an article to the effect of “Exercise will make you fit but it won’t make you thin.” I remember someone asking me about this (it might have been my mom) and I wasn’t really sure what the issue was; I had written back in my first book The Ketogenic Diet about some of the realities of exercise and fat loss.

Most of my other books have at least dealt with the issue to some degree. I suppose the issue isn’t really one of the realities of exercise and fat/weight loss but rather how the message was misinterpreted. Many have held up exercise as some sort of panacea for all things, health, fitness and of course what everyone is really interested in: losing weight/fat and I suspect the message got a bit garbled as it so often does: people figured that they could do a bit of easy exercise and the pounds would just melt right off. For the most part, I’m going to sort of cluster all exercise in one big grouping for the sake of simplicity. The 90 Year Evolution of Movie Posters. Since the inception of cinema, movie posters have been used to promote films and create buzz.

Just as the style of cinema has evolved, the design style of these promotional posters has changed. Poster printing was also a hard thing to get over in the early 1900s, the prices for the promotion images were high and not always easily printed. However things have changed int he modern day and age and as you’re about to see, the movie posters of the early 20th century are a far cry from what we see at the cinema today. The 1920s The 1920s was known for movie posters that employed fairly traditional type for the time and hand-drawn illustrations over stills that depicted scenes from the movie. 1930s In the 1930s, we see a shift towards bolder typographic designs with a growing tendency towards illustrations focusing on main characters of the film, particularly faces, over depictions of scenes. 1940s By the 1940s, we rarely see scene depictions anymore. 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Conclusion.

Pbrgp.jpg (JPEG Image, 580x390 pixels) I9OCM.jpg (JPEG Image, 768x1024 pixels) - Scaled (92. m5Jny.jpg (JPEG Image, 646x573 pixels) Belem Tower At Sunrise - (HDR Lisbon, Portugal) The Adventures of Pete & Pete. : pics. WDEQF.jpg (JPEG Image, 496x331 pixels) I think now is a good time to repost: Eye color, and the Perception of Beauty. : pics. How Big Is Your Limbal Ring? Of all the qualities that give an attractive person an edge, here's one you've likely overlooked: the limbal ring, the dark circle around iris. The limbal ring is the line that separates the colored part of the eye from the white (the sclera). It's completely unconscious , the way we all judge others' limbal rings.

In the 20 milliseconds or so it takes to assess a person's attractiveness, you're factoring in the size and shade of the limbal rings. The bigger and blacker they are, the more attractive the eyes. People with the prettiest eyes have the most prominent limbal rings. This, anyhow, is the upshot o f a recent study by Darren Peshek and his colleagues at the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California at Irvine. Hint: limbal rings on the right Men thought women with the dark limbal rings were more attractive than those without, and women thought the same of men with dark limbal rings. Which is exactly the point. But a fake limbal ring? Yes, this too. Amateur Photographer Shoots Largest Ever Photo of the Night Sky. What you see above is the largest true-color photograph of the night sky ever created, shot by 28-year-old amateur astrophotographer Nick Risinger using six astronomical cameras.

It’s not just the view of the sky from one location, but is instead a 360-panoramic view of the sky taken by trekking 60,000 miles across the western United States and South Africa starting in March 2010. The final image is composed of 37,000 separate photographs. Check out the massive zoomable high-definition version of the photo here. Photopic Sky Survey (via Wired) Thanks for the tip Udi!

Photopic Sky Survey. 365 Days of Exercise | Video Files. TjRP1.jpg (JPEG Image, 3072x2048 pixels) - Scaled (44. White House photo of Obama and his national security team following events in the Bin Laden operation : pics. Three Over-looked Leadership Roles | It was while leading South Melbourne Restoration Community, an inner city church committed to reaching the marginalized people of our city, that I realized something was fundamentally wrong.

We were a ragtag band of ex-druggies with a church situated in a profoundly postmodern and tribalized part of the city. The model of church we had inherited was clearly not cutting it. Scarcely anything in my training for ministry had prepared me to for this. In this post-Christian context, we needed to be more than ministers running a church. We needed a different type of leadership. We morphed from an institutional church into a missional one. While at South, I was invited to lead a revitalization movement within my denomination—the fourth largest Protestant denomination in Australia.

We needed a new type of leadership, one with the courage to question the status quo, to dream of new possibilities, and to innovate new ways of being the people of God in a post-Christian culture. Page 1 of 6. Chell in the Rain - (Private Browsing) What are the "shes/hes crazy" warning signs? : AskReddit - (Private Browsing) 6 Foot 7 Foot - Lil Wayne ft. Cory Gunz (Cover by @KarminMusic) Ragged Claws. If we don't, remember me. Listen up Ron Paul lovers: You will never be able to completely sell him to Liberals. : politics.

What Editors Want; A Must-Read for Writers Submitting to Literary Magazines. By Lynne Barrett The Editor’s Job A magazine editor is a person who enjoys bringing new writing to the world in a publication that will be seen, read, appreciated, and talked about. This is the first fact anyone submitting to a magazine should understand. There may be two editors, or five, or a rotating group of a dozen student-editors on a board, but for purposes of this essay, let’s consider one who, if not totally in charge, has a large say in what goes on. This editor is committed to the magazine, to it reaching a readership, to its identity and survival. The editor wants nothing more than to read something so fresh and powerful and polished there is no question it must be in the journal. Instead the editor, having read 17 things this morning, keeps going, thinking: A run-on sentence in the first line!

The editor is tired and busy. Much of the editor’s work is invisible. Your Job You, of course, are a writer. None of this is of interest to the editor. Yes, you do. Yes, I said, people do.