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John Cleese on the Five Factors to Make Your Life More Creative. Top Five Questions Left-Handers Ask: Are Left-Handers Smarter and More Creative? Recently I gave a talk titled The Mystery of Left-Handedness at Lifeworks an organization in Erie, PA that promotes life-long learning, health and wellness (see

Top Five Questions Left-Handers Ask: Are Left-Handers Smarter and More Creative?

My talk was organized around questions about left-handedness I have been asked repeatedly. My five questions below represent issues that arise again and again when I talk to left-handers or when I am interviewed by the media about left-handedness. I will answer each of these five questions in my five-part blog series of the next several weeks. I write with my left hand but do other things with my right hand. Quora. Quora. The former head psychologist for the US Navy SEALs reveals his best advice for combatting stress at work. "If you control stress, you control performance in any environment.

The former head psychologist for the US Navy SEALs reveals his best advice for combatting stress at work

" FlickrMass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Shauntae Hinkle-Lymas, US Navy "When one examines the elite cohorts on the planet — whether you're an elite athlete or an elite military member — it's pretty clear that the way that they handle stress is not by accident. " My Dear Son, Rejection is a Myth - Simulated Universe? Real life - Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? NEW YORK—If you, me and every person and thing in the cosmos were actually characters in some giant computer game, we would not necessarily know it.

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

The idea that the universe is a simulation sounds more like the plot of “The Matrix,” but it is also a legitimate scientific hypothesis. Researchers pondered the controversial notion Tuesday at the annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate here at the American Museum of Natural History. Moderator Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the museum’s Hayden Planetarium, put the odds at 50-50 that our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive. Philosophy is a Bunch of Empty Ideas: Interview with Peter Unger. Philosophy is a Bunch of Empty Ideas: Interview with Peter Unger by Grace Boey Philosophy: you either get it or you don't.

Philosophy is a Bunch of Empty Ideas: Interview with Peter Unger

The field has its passionate defenders, but according to its critics, philosophy is irrelevant, unproductive, and right at the height of the ivory towers. And now, the philosophy-bashing camp can count a proud defector from the other side: Peter Unger, Professor of Philosophy at New York University, has come out against the field in his latest book, Empty Ideas: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy. Ten Famous Psychology Findings That It’s Been Difficult To Replicate – Research Digest. By Christian Jarrett Every now and again a psychology finding is published that immediately grabs the world’s attention and refuses to let go – often it’s a result with immediate implications for how we can live more happily and peacefully, or it says something profound about human nature.

Ten Famous Psychology Findings That It’s Been Difficult To Replicate – Research Digest

Said finding then enters the public consciousness, endlessly recycled in pop psychology books and magazine articles. Unfortunately, sometimes when other researchers have attempted to obtain these same influential findings, they’ve struggled. This replication problem doesn’t just apply to famous findings, nor does it only affect psychological science. And there can be relatively mundane reasons behind failed replications, such as methodological differences from the original or cultural changes since the original was conducted.

How to cram for a test: A step-by-step guide to hack your brain so it can study better and memorize facts — Quartz. Want to 'train your brain'? Forget apps, learn a musical instrument. The multimillion dollar brain training industry is under attack.

Want to 'train your brain'? Forget apps, learn a musical instrument

In October 2014, a group of over 100 eminent neuroscientists and psychologists wrote an open letter warning that “claims promoting brain games are frequently exaggerated and at times misleading”. Earlier this year, industry giant Lumosity was fined $2m, and ordered to refund thousands of customers who were duped by false claims that the company’s products improve general mental abilities and slow the progression of age-related decline in mental abilities. And a recent review examining studies purporting to show the benefits of such products found “little evidence ... that training improves improves everyday cognitive performance”. While brain training games and apps may not live up to their hype, it is well established that certain other activities and lifestyle choices can have neurological benefits that promote overall brain health and may help to keep the mind sharp as we get older. How Taking a Gap Year Can Shape Your Life. This summer, after news of Ms.

How Taking a Gap Year Can Shape Your Life

Obama’s choice, I tracked down everyone from the book to see what had become of them. Was their gap year ultimately incidental to their lives, or did it help them grow into the person they were meant to become? Karen Horney’s Theory Of Personality: 10 Neurotic Needs - PsyTreasure. By SonicShell · March 30, 2015 Karen Horney’s Theory Of Personality: 10 Neurotic Needs Neurotic Needs: From her clinical experience, Horney discerned 10 particular patters of neurotic needs.

Karen Horney’s Theory Of Personality: 10 Neurotic Needs - PsyTreasure

10 ‘Unsolved’ Mysteries Of The World That You Probably Didn’t Know Were Already Solved. Everyone loves a good mystery!

10 ‘Unsolved’ Mysteries Of The World That You Probably Didn’t Know Were Already Solved

More than that, everyone loves to obsess over a mystery that hasn't been solved. What can be more fun than nose-diving into a hurried conclusion, looping around a bunch of far-fetched theories before eventually saying "Aliens"? When an investment banker and an MIT graduate lived like India's poor on $0.39 a day — Quartz. Tushar, the son of a police officer in Haryana, studied at the University of Pennsylvania and worked for three years as an investment banker in the United States and Singapore.

When an investment banker and an MIT graduate lived like India's poor on $0.39 a day — Quartz

Matt migrated as a teenager to the United States with his parents, and studied at MIT. Dostoyevsky on Why There Are No Bad People. Legendary Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky (November 11, 1821–February 9, 1881) is best known as one of literary history’s titans, but he was also a brilliant entrepreneur and pioneer of self-publishing. Under the auspices of his enterprising wife Anna, Dostoyevsky overcame his ruinous gambling addiction to become Russia’s first self-published author. But it was the release of A Writer’s Diary (public library) — the same collection of his nonfiction and fiction writings that gave us Dostoyevsky’s memorable recollection of how he discovered the meaning of life in a dream — that turned him into a national brand.

What Mark Zuckerberg taught Sequoia Capital's Mike Vernal about leadership — Quartz. Since its discovery in 2008, astronomers have been puzzled by a cosmic mystery so vexing that it has even led some to question whether the general theory of relativity—Einstein’s masterpiece theory of gravity—is wrong on cosmic scales. The trouble is that light travelling through the universe does not seem to be affected by the gravity of large structures such as galaxy clusters in the way that Einstein had predicted.

Now we have created the largest ever map of the universe’s voids—empty regions or “holes” in space—and superclusters, which are regions with more galaxies and matter than average. This has proven Einstein right, but has reintroduced another mystery. To understand the origin of the puzzle, we need to grasp the subtle effect that gravity has on the leftover radiation from the primordial hot plasma at the birth of the universe, known as the “cosmic microwave background.” The Greatest Books of All Time, As Voted by 125 Famous Authors.

Deciding issues of personal law - OPINION. Thirteen years ago, Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, pleaded in a piece titled ‘Unifying personal laws’ in The Hindu (September 6, 2003): “My powerful plea is that the personal laws may be reformed from within, without a quantum leap into a common code. Remarkable changes in Islamic laws are possible without violating the Quran but adopting progressive hermeneutics.” The issue described as ‘triple talaq’ has unnecessarily been confused with the issue of a uniform civil code, thus thrusting India’s minority Muslim community into the defensive. But this dilemma is essentially a question of whether the Supreme Court can pronounce on an issue of personal law.

Why Do We Dream? Explore the Top Theories Behind It. An Introduction to Psychopathy. Psychopathy is a disorder that characterizes an individual showing pronounced emotional deficits and an increased risk for displaying antisocial behavior ( Frick, 1995;Hare, 2003). The affective component of psychopathy, often called callous-unemotional (CU) traits, is the distinguishing feature of the disorder relative to other behavioral profiles associated with an increased likelihood of antisocial behavior (Blair, 2007). CU traits refer to a lack of guilt, remorse, and empathy (Frick et al., 2005). Do You Really Use Only 10 Percent of Your Brain? Read Amy Cuddy’s Response to Power-Posing Critiques.

As Science of Us reported earlier this week, last Sunday night the psychologist Dana Carney, co-author of the 2010 study that gave rise to the concept of “power posing” — that is, adopting and holding certain open and assertive postures as a technique for improving performance in business and other settings — posted a surprising note on her faculty website in which she stated that she didn’t think that the power-posing effect was real, and that the original study had fatal methodological shortcomings. Did the Moon Create Life? Community Accomplishments: The Best Deal on Snapchat. In the second installment of the Community Accomplishment series, I want to continue to highlight other success stories from the VaynerNation.

Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards? Earth - The real reasons nothing can ever go faster than light. Why Clowns Creep Us Out. For the past several months, creepy clowns have been terrorizing America, with sightings of actual clowns in at least 10 different states. 'Prepared to die? Then you can be Mars candidate': The Hindu - Mobile edition. Why Are Moths Drawn to Artificial Lights? What Is Psychotherapy? Power Poses Co-author: I Don't Think Power Poses Are Real. 13 Common Leadership Styles (and When to Use Them) Why You Don't Want to Meditate—and 5 Ways to Make It Easier. The fascinating explanations behind six classic magic tricks. The ultimate guide for learning how to whistle. ​The Myth of Winning: Neuroscience of Conflict & Peace. Indianexpress. Does Having a Plan B Sabotage Your Plan A? Do People Only Use 10 Percent of Their Brains? Altruism has more of an evolutionary advantage than selfishness, mathematicians say.

Do You Really Need to Declutter Your Desk? What Great Listeners Actually Do. AI that mimics human thinking and analogy - Mumbai. When Einstein Met Tagore: A Remarkable Meeting of Minds on the Edge of Science and Spirituality. Ten simple ways to relax and become more intelligent at the same time. Will Neuroscience Change the Way We Punish Criminals? It’s possible to learn to be more optimistic – Research Digest. MIT scientists use terahertz waves to read closed books. 5 Key Things to Know About Meta-Analysis. Top 100 Speeches of the 20th Century by Rank - American Rhetoric. Can you tell the temperature by listening to the chirping of a cricket? (Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress)

APA Format: Rules for Citations and References. Tips and Advice for Writing Psychology Papers. Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment. Milgram's Experiments: The Perils of Obedience. What makes the sound when we crack our knuckles? Nine Books Recommended by Top Psychologists. Neuroscientist Sam Harris Selects 12 Books Everyone Should Read. 15 Books that Will Actually Change Your Future. The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion. Enjoy the healing power of Music Therapy. Writing a Novel in a Month: Is It Possible and Should You Try? - NY Book Editors.

44 Essential Movies for the Student of Philosophy. Auroras Make Weird Noises, and Now We Know Why. 6 phenomena which science cannot explain. Psychologists explain why intelligent people have fewer friends. Plos. Are Mental Illnesses Really Illnesses? 10 Research-Proven Tricks To Seem Smarter Than You Are. NHS memo details Google/DeepMind’s five year plan to bring AI to healthcare. Viewpoint: How British let one million Indians die in famine. Discussion of Education for Sustainable Development. Educating for a Sustainable Future: A Transdisciplinary Vision for Concerted Action.