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Chibok kidnapping: one year on, hope and stoicism as girls remembered. Reverend Enoch Mark waited for his daughter as long as he could. For half a year after Boko Haram gunmen snatched 17-year-old Monica from her dormitory in Chibok, he stayed on in the town even as militants repeatedly attacked it, hoping each day she might return. “I wanted to run somewhere safe, but I had be there when she came back,” said the father of eight, whose family is among 276 others who suffered the same fate last April. But the days trickled on with no news of Monica, and a year later Mark – no relation to this reporter – speaks quietly about his new reality. “After six months I realised I had to move the rest my family somewhere safe, so we left Chibok.”

The abduction that catapulted Boko Haram into the global limelight was just the tip of almost six years of carnage from a group seeking to impose a caliphate on Africa’s largest and religiously mixed nation. “We do not know if the Chibok girls can be rescued. Nokia in advanced talks over bid for Alcatel-Lucent. Explicit cookie consent. SOMETHING new is in the air. Look up as you approach the plaza outside the building where Da-Jiang Innovations (DJI) has its headquarters, in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, and you may well see a hovering eye in the sky staring back at you.

It belongs to a drone made by DJI, a pioneer in the nascent market for commercial unmanned aircraft. On March 8th, at press events in New York, London and Munich, the firm launched its new Phantom 3 range of drones. Even the basic model has a built-in camera that takes 12 megapixel stills and video at the “1080p” high-definition standard. The firm, founded in 2006 by a mainlander who studied engineering in Hong Kong, has become a leading light in the industry. DJI’s drones are lightweight and relatively easy to use. Rather as Boeing did with commercial airliners in the 1930s, DJI is today leading the charge in transforming civilian-drone manufacturing from something for hobbyists into a proper business. There will be growing pains. Hundreds feared dead as refugees flood across the Med. Pakistan: Victim, or exporter of terrorism? "They deluded themselves in believing that they were allies. Actually, they were not," says former Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt.

General Asad Durrani, commenting on Pakistan's rocky relationship with the United States since they allied in the "War on Terror". In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges General Durrani on whether Pakistan is fighting or fuelling international terrorism. We explore the nation's role as a US ally in the "War on Terror", and investigate claims that it has been backing the Afghan Taliban, whilst its offshoot, the Pakistani Taliban, wages a brutal insurgency at home.

Is Pakistan a rogue state? Or is it stuck between a rock and a hard place? And what role should the military play in a democratic Pakistan? Joining this discussion are: Pakistan: Exporting terror? What do you think? Latest news, sport and comment from the Guardian | The Guardian. Report: At least 2,000 women abducted by Boko Haram. Boko Haram have abducted at least 2,000 women and girls since the start of 2014, according to rights group Amnesty International. A report published by the organisation on Wednesday says many of those captured have been forced into sexual slavery and trained to fight for the group.

The group based its findings on nearly 200 witness accounts, including with 28 people who escaped from the armed group, which recently had a pledge of allegiance accepted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). "The evidence presented in this shocking report, one year after the horrific abduction of the Chibok girls, underlines the scale and depravity of Boko Haram's methods," said Salil Shetty, Amnesty International's secretary general. The publication of the report coincides with the one-year anniversary of the mass abduction by Boko Haram of hundreds of school girls from the northeastern town of Chibok.

RELATED: Girls who escaped Boko Haram refuse to be victims Source: Al Jazeera. The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion. Castro and Obama vow to ease US-Cuba tensions. Explicit cookie consent. Barack Obama y Raúl Castro mantienen una reunión histórica. Barcelona. (Redacción).- Sentados uno al lado del otro y en una pequeña sala dentro del Centro de Convenciones Atlapa de Panamá. Así ha sido la primera reunión oficial entre el presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, y su homólogo cubano, Raúl Castro, que ha tenido lugar en el marco de la primera jornada de la VII Cumbre de las Américas. Después del primer pleno de mandatarios, Obama y Castro se han vuelto a ver las caras en un encuentro de poco más de una hora que el mismo presidente estadounidense ha calificado de "histórico". El jefe de Estado ha asegurado que "era el momento de intentar algo nuevo" en la relación con Cuba y ha admitido que, a pesar del deshielo diplomático, seguirá habiendo diferencias significativas entre ambos países.

"Es posible que con el tiempo podamos dar vuelta la página y desarrollar una nueva relación entre ambos países" ha indicado, y ha asegurado que una de las tareas inmediatas será la reapertura de embajadas en Washington y La Habana. Explicit cookie consent. IT IS not yet a done deal. Hardliners on both sides will do their best to sabotage it in the coming weeks. Yet the odds on Iran and six world powers striking a big nuclear deal have shortened dramatically. The announcement on April 2nd of the parameters for an agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear programme (claimed by the Iranians to be peaceful), in exchange for lifting sanctions, was more detailed than expected. But several unresolved issues mean there will be much hard negotiating to be done if a deal is to be signed by the June 30th deadline.

Still, experts who had previously been sceptical about the prospect of an agreement think it is within reach. So far the reaction from the Arab world’s Sunni powers has been measured, even welcoming, including from Saudi Arabia, Iran’s rival for regional hegemony. True, the level of detail in the “fact sheet” about the deal’s parameters that was released by the State Department has not been matched by Iranian statements. Grecia exige a Alemania 278.700 millones por la ocupación nazi. Atenas. (Reuters).- El viceministro de Finanzas de Grecia dijo el lunes que Alemania le debe a su país casi 279.000 millones de euros en concepto de indemnización por la ocupación nazi que sufrió durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los gobiernos griegos y también ciudadanos de ese origen han buscado durante décadas una reparación económica de parte de Alemania, pero nunca habían cuantificado la cantidad a la que ascendía. Una comisión parlamentaria creada por el Gobierno que encabeza el primer ministro Alexis Tsipras comenzó a trabajar la semana pasada, buscando reclamar deudas alemanas -incluida una reparación bélica- así como la cancelación del llamado "préstamo de ocupación" que la Alemania de Adolf Hitler obligó a pagar al banco central griego y la devolución de tesoros arqueológicos robados.

Alemania ha rechazado en repetidas ocasiones los reclamos de Grecia y dice que ha cumplido con sus obligaciones, incluido un pago de 115 millones de marcos alemanes pagados en 1960.