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Productive. Antonosika : How Positive Thoughts Build... Welcome to Forbes. How to Kick Your Caffeine Addiction and Actually Enjoy Your Coffee Again. I gave up caffeine entirely almost 2 years ago and it's been one of the best things I've ever done. To give a back story as far as how much caffeine I took in during the day, I would usually stop at a fast food place and get a 44oz Cherry Pepsi in the morning, get another 44oz at lunch, drink probably 2 20oz sodas at least during the day at my desk when the 44oz ran out, and then in the evening I'd down another 20oz, maybe 2 or more.

Sometimes it was Cherry Pepsi, sometimes Coke, sometimes Dr. Pepper. The first two days were absolutely HORRIBLE as far as withdrawal was concerned and as per the usual, I had a really painful headache (I quit cold turkey, BTW). As soon as I woke up the third day though, I was completely fine. I wanted soda like crazy (still do and believe me, it sucks...I'm like a recovering alcoholic), but the headache was gone and that was much easier to deal with.

Another benefit is that I no longer get tired in the afternoon like I used to. Re-Train Your Brain to Overcome "Microwave Mentality" Top 10 Ways to Perfect Your Daily Routine with the Power of Science. Boost Your Working Memory to Make Time Fly. How You Can Boost Your Brain's Willpower with a Simple Working Memory Exercise. How to Effectively Read and Implement Books.