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Facebook Twitter A Stroll Through The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences By Richard D. Marcus George Washington Lodge # 337 F&AM, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Throughout our lives, we have heard of the liberal arts and sciences. Parts of the original list date back to ancient Greece. This print is German from about AD 1500. Proverbs 9:1 says, "Wisdom hath built herself a house, she hath hewn her out seven pillars. " This leads us to a second woodblock print, which also is German from about the same time. In AD 420, Marcianus Capella in Carthage wrote an allegory of the Phoebus-Apollo, God of the Sun, presenting the Seven Liberal Arts as maids to his bride Philology, a lover of words.

The Winding Stair Youth, manhood, and age are the three stages of our lives. We advance in life as if we were climbing a winding stair. There must be many fields of knowledge that could have been listed: history, chemistry, or literature. A History of the List The phrase, the liberal arts, comes from the Latin artes liberales. St. 1. OES - Ceremony of Initiation. When the time arrives to open the Chapter meeting, the Worthy Matron (or Worthy Patron) comes to the East (or place called the East) and sounds the gavel which calls the Chapter to order. Then the 17 remaining officers are asked to go outside and march in. If all of the 17 officers are not present, the Matron may appoint other persons who are present to take their place, or may proceed with those present.

The Officers line up in two lines, behind the Conductress and another line behind the place for the Associate Conductress, who stays in the Chapter room until instructed to go out to bring the officers in. The Worthy Patron or member acting for him, sounds the gavel three times, calls everyone up, then asks the Associate Conductress to go outside and bring the Officers in. The Associate Conductress goes out, takes her place in line opposite the Conductress; all march in, two lines side-by-side to a suitable song. The Assoc. Whereupon, the Assoc. The Assoc. WM.: Sister Assoc. The Holy Koran of The Moorish Science Temple of America - Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple.

By the guiding of his father God, Allah; the great God of the universe. To redeem man from his sinful and fallen stage of humanity back to the highest plane of life with his father God, Allah. Table of Contents Prologue Chapter I The Creation and Fall of Man Chapter II Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan, Egypt Chapter III Elihu's Lessons--The Unity of Life Chapter IV Death and Burial of Elizabeth--Matheno's lessons--The ministry of Death Chapter V After the Feast--The Homeward Journey--The Missing Jesus--The Search For Him--His Parents Find Him in the Temple--He Goes With Them to Nazareth--Symbolic Meaning of Carpenter's Tools Chapter VI Life and Works of Jesus in India Among the Moslems Chapter VII The Friendship of Jesus and Lamass--Jesus Explains the Meaning of Truth Chapter VIII Jesus Reveals to the People of Their Sinful Ways Chapter IX Jesus Attends a Feast in Behar and Here He Taught Human Equality Chapter X Jesus Spake on the Unity Of Allah and Man to the Hindus Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII.

Latin Vulgate Bible with Douay-Rheims and King James Version Side-by-Side+Complete Sayings of Jesus Christ. The Kebra Nagast Index. Table of Contents- The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Mr88668866 - Google Search. THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION - We the People. Tarot - Astrowiki-en. Introduction Although popularly known as the source of modern playing cards, and also having a reputation for its use among gypsies as a means of fortune telling, the tarot images known as the Rider-Waite deck are revered by occultists as being a picture book of wisdom relaying the spiritual and psychological principles of consciousness [1].

These images were reportedly designed by a group of spiritual initiates circa 1200 AD in the city of Fez, Morocco,[2] based on spiritual teachings gleaned from Egypt, the Biblical Old and New Testaments, India, Europe and China, in order to keep the truths of spiritual thought intact for future world cultures, in a form which could be understood by anyone in the world regardless of their native language. Qabalistic Tree Of Life The 78 images or keys of tarot are divided into a Major and Minor Arcana, the word arcana meaning secret or esoteric. The Major Arcana The Fool The Magician The High Priestess‎ The Empresss The Emperor‎ The Hierophant‎ The Lovers‎

The Seven Liberal Arts. The expression , chiefly used during the Middle Ages , does not mean arts as we understand the word at this present day, but those branches of knowledge which were taught in the schools of that time. They are called liberal ( Latin , free), because they serve the purpose of training the free man , in contrast with the , which are pursued for economic purposes; their aim is to prepare the student not for gaining a livelihood, but for the pursuit of science in the strict sense of the term, i.e. the combination of philosophy and theology known as scholasticism .

They are seven in number and may be arranged in two groups, the first embracing grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic , in other words, the sciences of language, of oratory , and of logic , better known as the , or language studies; the second group comprises arithmetic, geometry, astronomy , and music, i.e. the mathematico-physical disciplines , known as the , or . Lingua , tropus, ratio, numerus, tonus, angulus, astra.

Ten-coporationss-1050x659.jpg (JPEG Image, 1050 × 659 pixels) - Scaled (97%) Symbols and their meaning. Introduction: Occult symbols are fast replacing Christian symbols in our culture. Therefore, we encourage you to use this list to warn others, especially Christian children who intentionally wear and display them because they are popular. Keep in mind that many of these symbols have double or multiple meanings. For example, the pentagram has been used to transmit occult power in all kinds of rituals for centuries, but to Christians the same shape may simply represent a star -- a special part of God's creation.

The image of a fish may mean a sign of the zodiac (astrology) to some, but to Christians it has meant following Jesus and sharing the message of His love. Warning Concerning Symbols In the world of the occult, many symbols are imbued with power by the magician working in conjunction with the demonic spirit world. The Hindu Trinity. The Apocrypha Index. Sacred Texts Bible Jump to Contents The Apocrypha refer to texts which are left out of officially sanctioned versions ('canon') of the Bible. The term means 'things hidden away,' which implies secret or esoteric literature. However, none of these texts were ever considered secret. In some Protestant Bibles, they are placed between the New and Old Testament. In the Roman Catholic Bibles the books are interspersed with the rest of the text. In this case they are also called 'Deuterocanonical', which means 'secondary canon.' Jerome rejected the Deuterocanonical books when he was translating the Bible into Latin circa 450 CE, (see the Vulgate).

Of these books, Tobias, Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, and Maccabees, remain in the Catholic Bible. With one exception, all of these books are considered 'Old Testament'. Creation Myths From Many Cultures. By Leon's EFL Planet 2007 from Leon'sEFLPlanet Website The Caucasoid Myths Abrahamic Lineage (Israelites / Ishmaelites) The whole of creation took 6 days. The number 6 is not to be taken literally, but rather is symbolic. On the sixth day, Elohim (the Gods) said, " Let us make man [humans] in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

" So Elohim (the Gods) created man [humans] in their own image, in the image of Elohim created [they] him; male and female created [they] them. It was written that the Gods took dust of the earth, and from that dust created the first man. Leon's Note: Notice that I put "us" and "our" and "their" in bold print. Perhaps it had less to do with Bel, and more to do with the manner in which the Hittites worshipped, by self-mutilations and possibly even human sacrifices. Babylonia/Sumeria Hinduism. Main Page. Secrets Of The Freemasons, Gothic Cathedrals. Discover The Ancient Message The Freemasons Transmitted To Posterity Through The"Twin Towers" Of Gothic Cathedrals By that time, however, the damage was done, the Secret of the Freemasons was Written In Stone. This Secret is still visible today in the repeating"Cathedral Code" blueprint shown here: You’re about to discover the foundation of this Secret by uncovering a key piece of the architectural"Cathedral Code"—the meaning behind the two cathedral spires, those tall Twin Towers that grace the West face.

—A secret, what’s more, they are rumored to have encoded into Gothic cathedral architecture: Today, the Great Secret of the Freemasons has become lost. —This according to most of the 3 million Masons who still meet in organized lodges worldwide. In fact, it appears true. Many books have since been published promising to reveal the"The Lost Secret of the Freemasons. " All have very seriously fallen short. However, the revelations you are about to discover here are vastly different.

Note how: v. Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. Horselover Phat's Subliminal-Synchro-Sphere. 2001 A Spaced Yesod-yssey? A piece of mine from a while back...that was inspired by Jay Weidner's sublime Alchemical thanks & respect to Jay. Link's a must read. Jay W The ten divine globes (Sephiroth) are then considered as analogous to the ten sacred members and organs of the Protogonos, according to the following arrangement. Manly P Hall TSTOAA.

Kether is the crown of the Prototypic Head and perhaps refers to the pineal gland. Note this comparison of Apollo with lyre and serpent...and the staff/caduceus of Hermes...they appear to represent the same thing. We know from our Caesar that when the Romans invaded Britain they found that Hermes (or Mercury) was the Briton's chief deity, that he was Optimus et Maximus, and to whom they erected 'many images'. Let us look at Hermes this way. Its not like Kubrick was adverse to using imagery of this type... "E. Manly P. So to re-cap we have... The Kebra Nagast Index. OAHSPE Standard Edition, start and books 01 02 03. 03/1.1. O Jehovih, what am I that I should supplicate You? Do I know my own weakness, or do I understand the way of my thoughts? You have placed before me most wonderful creations. They impress me, and my senses rise up in remembrance of the Almighty. 03/1.2. 03/1.3. 03/1.4. 03/1.5. 03/1.6. 03/1.7. 03/1.8. 03/1.9. 03/1.10. 03/1.11. 03/1.12. 03/1.13. 03/1.14. 03/1.15. 03/1.16. 03/1.17. 03/1.18. 03/1.19. 03/1.20. 03/1.21. 03/1.22. 03/1.23. 03/1.24. 03/1.25. 03/1.26. 03/1.27. 03/1.28. 03/1.29. 03/1.30. 03/1.31. 03/1.32. 03/1.33. 03/1.34. 03/1.35. 03/1.36. 03/1.37. 03/1.38. 03/1.39. 03/1.40. 31 reproof, critical eye 32 appreciative, indebted, obliged, grateful, thankful, worshipful, prayerful 33 to temporarily exist with 34 characteristic, trait, quality 35 great size and extent 36 dumbstruck, overawed, sapped of audacity, paled, held in check, made fearful, overwhelmed, humbled 37 sins, wickedness, immorality, evildoings 38 weapons, instruments of war 40 sharpened, stimulated, inspired.

Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the ... My Qabalah :: Paths 11 to 32 The Tarot Cards in The Tree of Life, Kabbalah or Cupbalah, examined from the writings of Dion Fortune and Aliester Crowley of the Golden Dawn. The Ways between the Sephiroths are numbered 11 to 32 representing the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet as well as the 22 major arcana cards of the Tarot. If you want to know the explanation of a path just look up the respective card from a Tarot pack and read the meaning in their help book. Then examine the 2 Sephiroths that are at both ends of this path to understand what is happening. The Tarot explanation will only make sense if you take the change of energy from one Sephiroth to the next into account. For example: If we look at the 32nd path from Malkuth (The Earth) to Yesod (The Moon) it is the Tarot card The Fool.

To gain the spiritual growth from the earthly plane of Malkuth to the magical experience of Yesod we would need a leap of faith that would appear to be foolish. This path could also be explained as taking on the "Holy Spirit", as this is also what Yesod symbolises. Crown of Thorns, Nails (Symbols of the Passion) JACOB'S LADDER. "And Jacob dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood above it... " Genesis 28:12-13a There is much to be said about this ancient passage of scripture. Within it are the keys to many esoteric teachings, and mysteries which have been hidden ages past, that are now being revealed.

In a previous writing we dealt with "Jacob's Journey," the journey of all humanity to meet God in the 7 Feasts or Experiences; consummating with Tabernacles, Fullness. In this teaching we will deal with the types, shadows,, history and esoteric truth surrounding "Jacob's Ladder. " Jacob has left from Beersheba, the well of sevens; a place where you walk in full awareness of the 7 Spirits of God. The Mystery Of Numbers In order to get a fuller understanding of "Jacob's Ladder," we must understand the mystery of numbers.

"Here is wisdom. The Number 70 The Number 72. 9 Circles of Hell (Dante's Inferno) - History Lists. Inferno, the first part of Dante's Divine Comedy that inspired the latest Dan Brown's bestseller of the same title describes the poet's vision of Hell. The story begins with the narrator (who is the poet himself) being lost in a dark wood where he is attacked by three beasts which he cannot escape.

He is rescued by the Roman poet Virgil who is sent by Beatrice (Dante's ideal woman). Together, they begin the journey into the underworld or the 9 Circles of Hell. First Circle (Limbo) Dante’s First Circle of Hell is resided by virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized pagans who are punished with eternity in an inferior form of Heaven. They live in a castle with seven gates which symbolize the seven virtues. Here, Dante sees many prominent people from classical antiquity such as Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Hippocrates and Julius Caesar. Second Circle (Lust) In the Second Circle of Hell, Dante and his companion Virgil find people who were overcome by lust.

Third Circle (Gluttony) Masonic Dictionary | Jacob's Ladder | When this symbol, which is taken from Jacob's Vision (Genesis xxviii), was introduced into English Speculative Freemasonry is not exactly known. But we find allusions to it a little after the middle of the last [18th] century. It apparently was not originally a symbol of Speculative Masonry, but was probably introduced from Hermetic Masonry, about 1776. But we fancy that it came from Hermeticism, of which it was a favorite symbol.

Certain it is that we do not find it in any of our far oldest known rituals if indeed they can be depended upon. Gadicke says of it, "Either resting upon the floor cloth or on the Bible, the compasses, and the square, it should lead the thoughts of the brethren to heaven. If we find that it has many staves or rounds, they represent as many moral and religious duties. Curiously enough, in Germany, the `Handbuch' tells us this symbolism is not used, nor on the continent generally. “And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. And St. How Did Black Africans Create White Europeans? Ancient Order of Druids - Primitive Degree Ritual. Guf. Nine Circles of Hell - Dante's Inferno Wiki - Circles of Hell, Characters, Creatures, Weapons and more!

Serpents of the Kundalini Fire | The Tree of Life. Masonic E-Book Library. Ritualen. Archangel List of Names - Sandalphon, Jeremiel, Raphael, Chamuel, Uriel, Metatron, Zadkiel, Jophiel, Azrael, Ariel, Gabriel, Michael, Haniel. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Lecture On The Tracing Board Of The Degree Of Mark Master Mason. Sisters of secrecy: more facts on Eastern Star | Sun & Shield. Shrine Ritual. Ritual of the Order Eastern Star - Order of the Eastern Star. General Grand Chapter. Tarot_Cards_Masonic. Individual Tarot Cards. The Traditional Tree of Life, an overview of the Kabbalistic Teachings. Copenhagen qabalah - the 22 paths.

The Tower of Babel. Tarot deck and sephirothic tree. Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the ... Tarot deck and sephorothic tree.