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NoteScribe. NoteScribe is the premier technology solution for taking, organizing and automating your study notes and reference material. Available for Windows XP, Vista and Window 7, NoteScribe lets you harness the power of your written information, by putting it all at your fingertips. Whether you're preparing your thesis, studying for a final exam, or gathering data for research, NoteScribe lets you create a personal knowledge database for accessing, analyzing and sharing your notes. While robust enough for those in pursuit of advanced degrees, NoteScribe can enhance the learning experience and make taking notes easier for students at levels. Organize Everything. Smart information management and web research for Mac - DEVONtechnologies. ScrapBook. Tutoriel_scrapbook.

OneNote 2010 - Planner and note taking software. Souvenez-vous de tout. OneNote, Evernote or Scrapbook? « musings and rumblings from tokyo. Finding the ultimate outliner/note collection software is an everending task.

OneNote, Evernote or Scrapbook? « musings and rumblings from tokyo

The best software should combine the following characteristics: no tree organization: most information organizers are organized in a tree and oblige the user to begin by entering a note title or deciding where the note should be included.