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How to Batch Resize Images Without a Photo Editing Program on Your Mac. 15 Useful Batch Image Processors - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Whether you’re a Web developer, Web designer or blogger, you’ve probably had to deal with the headache of converting many images to different sizes and formats. It’s not much fun if you have to convert all of them by hand. Batch image processing can reduce this process from hours of work to just a few simple clicks. With batch image processing, you can specify a size or file type, and then a script runs to convert the images. Many of the articles here on Smashing Magazine have screenshots that have to be resized and configured to fit within the website’s layout. Types of Batch Processors Batch image processors usually come with some very standard functions: Resizing images,Scaling images,Converting to different image formats.

Some image processors also perform some advanced functionality, such as graphic editing (rotating, blurring, borders, adding watermarks), and some can even create slideshows, display other types of multimedia and perform other advanced functions. ResizeMe. Open Source Mac - Free Mac software, all open-source, all OS X. Quel client Twitter choisir ? Twitter, ce service de micro-blogging en 140 caractères, est une sorte de télégramme moderne. Comptant plus de 75 millions d'utilisateurs au dernier comptage, Twitter est devenu une source d'information en temps réel inestimable. Son interface Web est on ne peut plus simple, peut-être trop : alors que 40 % des tweets sont des gazouillis personnels plus ou moins inutiles, les clients Twitter, c'est-à-dire des logiciels permettant d'utiliser Twitter directement sur Mac sont devenus indispensables.

Ils permettent en effet de tirer la substantifique moelle de Twitter : si les clients les plus simples permettent juste de fermer un onglet de navigateur, les clients les plus aboutis ajoutent des fonctions de filtrage, de recherche, de veille, et sont de vraies consoles permettant d'interagir avec les autres, mais aussi (on a tendance à oublier cet usage) de travailler avec Twitter. Mais des clients Twitter sur Mac, il y en a des dizaines. Les clients simples et polyvalents Les clients experts. Ten free apps to install on every new Mac. High performance access to file storage Product Round-up Apple provides plenty of free software to get you started with a new Mac. But there are some gaps, and a number of the firm's own freebies have been improved upon by some equally inexpensive alternatives. Here, then, is our selection of the ten apps you should download onto every new Mac you buy.

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