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The Ohio State University Press. Kinita: "Красавица и Чудовище" в исполнении Angela Barrett. GOOD IS DEAD. Here’s a quick post to share some super-fun news that we’re also very proud of. Pantheon Books’ brand-new Graphic Novel Book by Charles Burns, THE HIVE, was released 2 months ago and it has already been picked up by a French Publisher & translated into French. Wow! How cool is that?! But instead of “The Hive”, they call it, “La Ruche”. Bill's studio. BoDoï, explorateur de bandes dessinées - Infos BD, comics, mangas.

10 Literary Authors Who Illustrated Their Own Work. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit, and as a result, we’ve been blessed with all manner of new Hobbit-related media coming to fruition. Inspired by the recently published compendium of Tolkien’s artwork, The Art of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, we decided to track down a few other literary authors who created illustrations for their works, whether published or unpublished. Though The Hobbit is arguably a book for children (and The Lord of the Rings trilogy even more arguably so), it gets a pass as a classic, and for the rest of this list we’ve been committed to leaving out children’s literature, picture books, and graphic novels — because that’s just too easy.

Click through to see our list of ten literary authors who illustrated their own works — and since a list like this can never be complete, let us know who we missed in the comments! J.R.R. Hobbitish - Illustrations de Bilbo le Hobbit à travers le monde. Le petit Bilbo Sacquet Illustré Ce site présente un ensemble de galeries d'images reprennant les illustrations de Bilbo le Hobbit publiées dans le monde entier. Entre 1947, date de la première édition (suédoise) illustrée par un artiste autre que Tolkien (à ma connaissance), et les années 90, un grand nombre d'illustrateurs ont tenté, à leur manière, de "croquer" Bilbo. La tendance des éditions actuelles à travers le monde est de reprendre les illustrations de Tolkien, à l'exception peut-être des éditeurs russes qui continuent, chaque année, de sortir de nouvelles versions illustrées, mais dont la qualité artistique laisse parfois à désirer... Ces galeries sont presque toutes en ligne, et d'autres viendront encore plus tard !

Bonne visite ! Couvertures Comment trouver ces livres ? Coup d'oeil sur certains artistes Mises à jour 06-04-04: Si vous désirez voir "le Hobbit" être tourné, suivez ce lien ! Liens Si vous avez des questions (ou une édition rare !) Terrifying French children's books - in pictures. When Jenny Colgan moved to France, she was so alarmed by the children's books that she decided to blog the scariest. "I don't know why so many French children's books are so bafflingly, needlessly frightening.

Before moving there, we lived in the Netherlands; they had the same rabbits with ethnically varied chums and dinosaur mummies tucking up dinosaur babies as we do in the UK. I also can't envisage the publishing meeting in which someone says 'Hey! I've got this great kids' book where a girl puts her head in a plastic bag! ' ( 'La Tête dans le Sac') and everyone thinks what a fine idea, but - tant pis. Here are a few examples ( more on my blog), all courtesy of the Médiathèque d'Antibes, which is shut on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday mornings, and 12-2pm Wednesday and Saturday, but when open has the most helpful (and rested) librarians to be found anywhere.

" 10 of the Most Terrifying Children’s Books From Around the World. This week, we checked out a series of totally terrifying French children’s books over at The Guardian, but we weren’t satisfied with just letting the French frighten us. We scoured the web for other incredibly scary (whether intentionally or not) illustrations from children’s books, from cautionary tales for bad kids to books of highly unusual monsters, to stories of um, let’s say questionable morality. Of course, many of the illustrations are fantastic, so we love them for their macabre beauty, but that said, we wouldn’t necessarily want these books read to us before we tried to traipse off to dreamland. Click through to peek inside ten of the most terrifying children’s books from all around the world, and let us know if we missed the one that gave you chills in the comments. The most notoriously upsetting children’s book is definitely Struwwelpeter, the German collection of cautionary tales.

Oliver and lyvia. Gene Gonzales Illustration.