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Why Socks Help You Sleep Better. If you're one of those people who has trouble falling asleep, listen up.

Why Socks Help You Sleep Better

You might fall asleep 15 minutes earlier and wake up far less during the night if you put on a pair of socks at bedtime. To understand why, you first need to grasp the relationship between core body temperature and sleep. During daylight hours, the human body hums along at an average temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). But at night, your core body temperature dips as much as 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) over the course of six or seven hours of sleep. This gradual decrease in core body temperature, it turns out, is a key part of the complicated neurobiological dance of falling asleep and staying asleep. One of the ways that your body regulates its temperature is through blood vessels in your skin.

Smoothie Recipies

Can Gizmos Cure Insomnia? 10 Tips to Get the Most Out of Light Therapy. It’s not just the cold weather that is making you sluggish and want to hunker down at home on the couch with your best friend Netflix.

10 Tips to Get the Most Out of Light Therapy

Shorter days from early fall through winter can cause even your serotonin to hibernate in your neurons. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs in the fall to winter. People with winter blues feel tired, less motivated, sad, and sleep more than usual. You’re more at risk for the winter blues if you’re a woman, younger, live further from the equator, or have family members who have depression or a mood disorder. People with seasonal depression have been found to 5 percent higher levels of a transporter protein that whisks serotonin away from the space in between neurons and moves serotonin back into the presynaptic neuron, which can lead to depression. Bright Light Therapy, or “phototherapy,” is an effective form of treatment for seasonal depression, as well as antidepressants, vitamin D, and psychotherapy. 7 REASONS TO GET HUBBLE CONTACTS. Contact lens wearers have struggled for years with mess, hassle, and worst of all, high prices.


Hubble’s founders, who wear lenses themselves, developed a solution: high-quality disposable lenses delivered to your door. And the price? About half the cost of other providers! Women's Full Rim Mixed Materials Understated Elegance. Prescription Type Single Vision lenses are the standard eyeglass prescription.

Women's Full Rim Mixed Materials Understated Elegance

These glasses are for one field of vision across the entire lens. Single vision glasses can be prescribed for distance vision, near-vision reading glasses, or computer-distance glasses. There are no lens height requirements for single vision prescriptions. Progressive lenses includes three fields of vision, without lines. The REAL Truth About Parabens - They're Nothing To Worry About - Just About Skin. Do Mineral Oil and Petrolatum Clog Pores? Are They Safe? - Just About Skin. Do Mineral Oil and Petrolatum Clog Pores?

Do Mineral Oil and Petrolatum Clog Pores? Are They Safe? - Just About Skin

Are They Safe? Mineral Oil and Petrolatum are misunderstood ingredients with a terrible reputation. Truth In Aging - Truth In Aging. “It’s a dry cold!”

Truth In Aging - Truth In Aging

Petroleum Jelly May Not Be As Harmless As You Think. Side Effects of Petrolatum. Petrolatum, commonly known as petroleum jelly, is a byproduct of petroleum.

Side Effects of Petrolatum

Petrolatum is a soft paraffin or wax mixture sold as a topical skin ointment. It is acknowledged by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an approved over-the-counter skin protectant and is used in the manufacturing of cosmetic skin care. However the side effects of petrolatum include finding the petroleum byproduct in breast tumors, suffocation of the skin, premature aging and aggravated acne. A study linking the petrolatum impurity polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs to breast cancer was completed at Columbia University.

Research at the Herb Research Foundation noted that skin absorbs up to 60 percent of the chemicals in products that it contacts and these chemical move directly into the bloodstream. Petrolatum or mineral oil jelly and mineral oils can cause skin photosensitivity or promote sun damage. Lose Weight. Best Health Magazine Canada. The Truth About Petrolatum - FutureDerm. One of the greatest problems in the U.S. right now is the fact that there is so much misinformation surrounding the health and beauty industry.

The Truth About Petrolatum - FutureDerm

Sustainable shopper's guide: 12 ingredients to avoid in your cosmetics. Download PDF This wallet-sized shopper's guide lists a "dirty dozen" chemicals to avoid when shopping for cosmetics.

Sustainable shopper's guide: 12 ingredients to avoid in your cosmetics

Use it to check the ingredient list on personal care products before you make a purchase. Some ingredients in beauty products aren't that pretty. U.S. researchers found that one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products are industrial chemicals. Download the shopper's guide now (pdf) and print a copy for your wallet.

Dirty Dozen mobile shoppers guide This Dirty Dozen mobile site can help you avoid toxic ingredients in your personal care products. 'Dirty Dozen' cosmetic chemicals to avoid. Some of the ingredients in beauty products aren't that pretty.

'Dirty Dozen' cosmetic chemicals to avoid

U.S. researchers report that one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients used in personal care products are industrial chemicals, including carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, and hormone disruptors. Science & policy. Parabens are the most widely used preservative in cosmetics. They are also used as fragrance ingredients, but consumers won't find that listed on the label. Fragrance recipes are considered trade secrets, so manufacturers are not required to disclose fragrance chemicals in the list of ingredients (see also Fragrance/Parfum). An estimated 75 to 90 per cent of cosmetics contain parabens (typically at very low levels). i Sign up for our newsletter Health and Environmental Hazards Parabens easily penetrate the skin. ii The European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has listed parabens as Category 1 priority substances, based on evidence that they interfere with hormone function. iii Parabens can mimic estrogen, the primary female sex hormone.

Healthy Workplace

7 Signs You're Fast Approaching a Breakdown at Work (and How to Slam on the Brakes) Mental burnout, coined in the 1970s to describe the psychological effects of relentless work stress, happens so subtly that you can easily confuse the symptoms for other negative forces, like a bad cold or a bad boss. Fitness. Healthy Diet. 11 Stereotypes About Genital Herpes You Probably Believe (And Why You Shouldn't)