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OP metal Gear

OPdogfight. Anonymous ataca la web del partido irlandés Fine Gael - Tecnología. Hackers imparables: atacan el sitio web de la Presidencia de México. ANONYMOUS - OPERATION PALESTINE - Short Press Release. Les Anonymous attaquent l'Hadopi. Anonymous anuncia ataques cibernéticos contra Nicaragua. Una fuente cercana al grupo activista de hackers Anonymous ( dijo al sitio Web ( que sitios de medios y de gobierno de Nicaragua y Venezuela podrían ser blancos de ataque en los próximo días, debido al apoyo retórico al dictador libio Muammar Gadafi. Ayer, el Presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega “expresó solidaridad” con la “revolución” de Gadafi.

“Yo me he estado comunicando telefónicamente con él… lógicamente él está librando nuevamente una gran batalla, cuántas batallas ha tenido que librar Gaddafi” dijo Ortega. “En estas circunstancias ellos están buscando cómo dialogar, pero defender la unidad de la nación, que no se vaya a desintegrar el país, que no vaya a darse una anarquía en el país”. ( Varias cuentas de Twitter aliadas de Anonymous reaccionaron con indignación ante las declaraciones. Anonymous versus Fox News’ Dan Gainor.

OP Mesh

PaperStorm Murcia. Everything Anonymous. As a direct result of our actions against HBGary, certain disquieting facts have recently come to light. Happy Rockefeller of Daily Kos summarizes: “ . . . in some of the emails, HB Gary people are talking about creating "personas", what we would call 'sockpuppets'. This is not new. PR firms have been using fake "people" to promote products and other things for a while now, both online and even in bars and coffee houses.

But for a defense contractor with ties to the federal government, Hunton & Williams, DOD, NSA, and the CIA – whose enemies are labor unions, progressive organizations, journalists, and progressive bloggers – a persona apparently goes far beyond creating a mere sockpuppet. According to an embedded MS Word document found in one of the HB Gary emails, it involves creating an army of sockpuppets . . . via software . . . “From another email, I found a government solicitation for this "Persona Management Software".

We will crowd-source Information Warfare. – We are Anonymous.

Operation Freedom

PayPal Statement on Courage to Resist Situation. Operation 1984. Los Anonymous serán periodistas. Everything Anonymous. Op Chaotic Neutral Anonymous are Not Your Personal Army. I do not claim that I am or Speak for Anonymous. I do know that At least 100 years ago there was a time when Anonymous stood for nothing. Thats right nothing, but for one exception: Anonymous stood for the free and open exchange of information online, and freedom of speech. Anonymous did not stand for truth, justice, and the American way. Now something has happened, everywhere I look it sounds like im sitting in some fucking University Sociology class with a bunch of newfags talking about how we need to be getting politically active. So please newfags, Fuck off and stop riding Anonymous' coat-tails.

The return to what we once wereI call, operation chaotic neutral I am not anonymous, I am not legion I forgive I forget Don't expect me - evar (I'm to busy masturbating to chubbies on 4chan) P.S.Pic included with this post gives a perfect representation of the structure of Anonymous.