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Crystals: Specific Crystals. Crystal properties. Cleansing Gemstones - How To Clear And Cleanse Gemstones. Crystal Therapy: Healing with Crystals | A to Z Gemstones | Crystal Attraction | Choosing the Right Stones | Cleansing Your Crystals | Popular Gemstones | Crystal Altars Sometimes a stone or crystal you are strongly drawn to doesn't feel good, or a stone that felt good previously doesn't feel good now.

Cleansing Gemstones - How To Clear And Cleanse Gemstones

The stone or crystal may need to be cleared. Clearing is necessary before using any stone for healing. The clearer the energy of a healing stone, the more powerful it is. A~E of our A-Z of Crystal Magic & Folklore. Crystals. Dioptase is a beautiful emerald green colour.


It is one of the three sacred crystals of the heart chakra. Dioptase is unsurpassed in its ability to transmit a potent deep green ray into the recesses of the heart. Crystal Healing Properties - Common Types of Crystal Healing Properties. Are you wanting an energy boost, need an assist in grounding, or looking for a manifesting tool?

Crystal Healing Properties - Common Types of Crystal Healing Properties

Here is help in choosing the right healing crystal for your purpose. Below are common healing properties found in crystals.